
An RSpec matcher for the Fakeweb HTTP stubbing library

MIT License


h1. FakeWeb Matcher

An RSpec matcher for the Fakeweb HTTP stubbing library, allowing you to use RSpec syntax to check if requests to particular URIs have been made.

h2. Installing

First, install the gem

Then, in your @spec/spec_helper.rb@ file, you'll need to require the library after you have required "FakeWeb":http://fakeweb.rubyforge.org and "RSpec":http://rspec.info. It should end up looking something like this:

This ensures that the matcher is automatically loaded into RSpec for you.

h2. Usage

h2. Contribution

Unsurprisingly, this library is tested using RSpec, and relies upon FakeWeb. It also uses "YARD":http://yard.soen.ca/ for documentation, so if you're submitting patches (which are most definitely welcome!) please use YARD syntax and have valid specs.

h2. Contributors

h2. Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009 Pat Allan, released under an MIT Licence