
A starting point for integrating Foundation for Apps into a Rails application



A Ruby on Rails starting app that integrates Foundation for Apps

  • Node
  • Bower
  • run the following commands to install bower components and node packages

bundle install rake zfapp:install

  • run Gulp from the root directory to build the necessary javascript files, partials, templates, and iconic images. This will also watch for template changes.
  • Note: Gulp will automatically run while a development Rails server is running. This was set up in


  • simply run bower update from the root directory
  • front matter templates can be created in the directory app/views/templates
<!-- app/views/templates/example.html -->
name: Example
url: /example

  • create angular assets under the directory app/assets/javascripts/angular/
// app/assets/javascripts/angular/controllers/example_controller.js
app.controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
  $scope.hola = 'Hola';
  • Karma is used for testing and can be run with the following command (The rails server must be running at localhost:3000): rake karma:run (single run) or rake karma:start

  • Test files can be created in the directory spec/javascripts/angular/.

// spec/javascripts/angular/controllers/example_controller_spec.js
describe('ExampleController', function(){
  var $scope;


  beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
    $scope = $rootScope.$new();
    $controller('ExampleController', {$scope: $scope});

  it('should say Hola', function() {
# posts_controller.rb

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  respond_to :json
  def index
    respond_with Post.all
  # ...
  • api routes are under the api scope
scope :api, defaults: {format: :json} do
  resources :posts, except: [:new, :edit]

#     posts GET    /api/posts(.:format)          posts#index {:format=>:json}
#           POST   /api/posts(.:format)          posts#create {:format=>:json}
#      post GET    /api/posts/:id(.:format)      posts#show {:format=>:json}
#           PATCH  /api/posts/:id(.:format)      posts#update {:format=>:json}
#           PUT    /api/posts/:id(.:format)      posts#update {:format=>:json}
#           DELETE /api/posts/:id(.:format)      posts#destroy {:format=>:json}
  • an angular REST api service has been created to easily implement requests in a similar manner to rails development and allows for the following methods: getIndex() getShow(id) postCreate(params) putUpdate(params) deleteDestroy(params)
// app/assets/controllers/posts_controller.js
controllers.controller('Postscontroller', ['$scope', 'restApi', function($scope, restApi) {
  $scope.api = new restApi('posts');
  $scope.api.getIndex().then(function() {
    $scope.posts = $; // returns all posts
<!-- app/views/templates/posts.html -->
name: posts
url: /posts
controller: PostsController
<div ng-repeat="post in posts">