
🔥 Roadmap to become a Full Stack Web Developer. What? Why? How?


Full Stack Web Developer with Ruby on Rails

Roadmap to become a full-stack web developer with Ruby on Rails

What is the Full-stack web developer?

Full-stack web developer is who works familiar with both front-end and back-end, also servers and database.

Why should you become a Full-stack web developer?

  • You can build entire a web application, without having to rely on someone else.
  • Many companies or clients demands full stack developers, so that they can build better products with less cost.
  • Get high Salary.

How to become a Full-stack web developer?

  • Have a plan: You need to lay out the roadmap of things you'd like to learn.
  • Build stuff: Don’t just read, build simple apps by applying whatever you have learned.
  • Find a community of support as StackOverflow.
  • Summarize and document what you learn, it’s very useful to review in the future.
  • Make a habit to read books, blogs and practice every day.



  • HTML
  • CSS
    • Responsive Web Design
    • Boostrap
    • Foundation
  • Javascript
    • jQuery
    • Framework: ReactJS, Angular or Vue.js, EmberJS
  • UI/UX



  • Relational Databases:

  • NoSQL Databases:

    • MongoDB
    • Redis
    • Memcached


  • Hosts:

    • Amazon AWS
    • Digital Ocean
    • Heroku
    • Engine Yard
  • App Servers and Web Servers

    • Nginx
    • Phusion Passenger
    • Puma
    • Unicorn
  • Deployment, Measurement vs Monitoring

Architecture, Refactoring

  • Rails Principles

    • Convention over Configuration (Coc)
    • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)
    • RESTful
  • SOLID Principles

  • Design Patterns

    • MVC
    • Form Object / Policy Object / Query Object ( Active Records - Model)
    • Decorator / Presenter / Facade (View)
    • Service Object (Controller)
    • Strategy / Composite patterns
  • Fat model, skinny controller

  • KISS - "Keep it simple, stupid"

  • Composition over inheritance

  • Database Query Optimization


  • Caching

  • Security

  • Performance turning

  • CDN

  • Search Engines

    • Elastic Search
    • Solr
    • Sphinx

Best Resources