
🥞 Experimental dependency resolution algorithm for ruby gems

MIT License



Dependency resolution algorithm in ruby.

It could be an alternative to Bundler and CocoaPods's Molinillo algorithm. It's currently just an experiment.


Dependency resolution is a satisfiability problem. In the worst case we would have to test every possible combination of dependencies to try and find one which works. It's like a really big and hard sudoku.

In practice, we can hopefully either find a solution quickly or discovering that the path we're considering is a dead end.

Galette stores dependencies as a bitmap, an integer where each binary digit represents a version. A dependency being unneeded is considered a special case at bit 0.

The bitmap is a trade-off: It supports faster bulk operations, like computing the intersection of two dependencies, at the expense of iterating over versions being slower. Because we're using large arbitrary precision integers, these bulk operations are still O(n), but they should be fairly quick and well optimized. Bitmap are space-efficient, allowing them to be duplicated and used immutably.

The entire graph of all gems that may be required are precomputed before resolution starts, which can be slow.

vs. Bundler

This is, for now, just a fun experiment, but it's inspired by the many problems I've had with bundler (and its Molinillo backend). For example Bundler 1.15.x was broken because of a bug in its backtracking (fixed in 1.16), and I currently face a Gemfile which takes 36 minutes to resolve dependencies.

Galette is able to resolve the equivalent of that difficult 36 minute Gemfile in under 3 seconds. I also believe bugs in backtracking would be less likely in Galette's architecture.


> availability = Galette::Rubygems.specs_from_requirements({'rails' => '~> 5.1.0'})
[#<Galette::Version rails =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version actionmailer =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version actionpack =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version activerecord =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version activesupport =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version rake =12.3.0>,
 #<Galette::Version bundler =1.16.1>,
 #<Galette::Version railties =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version sprockets-rails =3.2.1>,
 #<Galette::Version actionview =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version activemodel =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version activejob =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version actioncable =5.1.5>,
 #<Galette::Version mail =2.7.0>,
 #<Galette::Version rails-dom-testing =2.0.3>,
 #<Galette::Version rack =2.0.4>,
 #<Galette::Version rack-test =0.8.2>,
 #<Galette::Version builder =3.2.3>,
 #<Galette::Version i18n =0.9.5>,
 #<Galette::Version tzinfo =1.2.5>,
 #<Galette::Version sprockets =4.0.0.beta6>,
 #<Galette::Version rails-html-sanitizer =1.0.3>,
 #<Galette::Version arel =8.0.0>,
 #<Galette::Version minitest =5.11.3>,
 #<Galette::Version thread_safe =0.3.6>,
 #<Galette::Version concurrent-ruby =1.0.5>,
 #<Galette::Version method_source =0.9.0>,
 #<Galette::Version thor =0.20.0>,
 #<Galette::Version erubi =1.7.0>,
 #<Galette::Version globalid =0.4.1>,
 #<Galette::Version websocket-driver =0.6.5>,
 #<Galette::Version nio4r =2.2.0>,
 #<Galette::Version mini_mime =1.0.0>,
 #<Galette::Version nokogiri =1.8.2>,
 #<Galette::Version loofah =2.2.0>,
 #<Galette::Version websocket-extensions =0.1.3>,
 #<Galette::Version mini_portile2 =2.3.0>,
 #<Galette::Version crass =1.0.3>]


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'galette'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install galette


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


Depending on where you are in the world, a galette is either a crpe or a tart. Both are delicious.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
