
Git Svn Interface: a simple git extention to use git locally with a remote svn repo.

MIT License



Git Svn Interface: a simple git extention to use git locally with a remote svn repo. It's like a simple version of git-svn which doesn't keep track of history locally.


$ gem install git-si

or locally if you don't have access to the global gem directory:

$ gem install --user-install git-si


To begin, enter a directory versioned by svn and run git si init. This will set up git, the mirror branch, and a gitignore if you don't have one already.

Use git locally as you would normally, making branches for your features as you like. To update your local branch with changes made on the svn server, run git si pull. (If there are conflicts you can use git mergetool to handle them.)

Compare your local copy to the server with git si diff. It even colorizes and pages the output for you!

When you are ready to push your changes to the svn server, run git si commit. This will take you into your favorite editor to enter a commit message.

All commands:

git-si add [FILES]     # Perform an svn and a git add on the files.
git-si blame <FILE>    # Alias for svn blame.
git-si commit          # Perform an svn commit and update the mirror branch.
git-si diff [FILES]    # Perform an svn diff piped through a colorizer. Also tests to be sure a rebase is not needed.
git-si fetch           # Updates mirror branch to latest svn commit.
git-si help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
git-si init            # Initializes git-si in this directory with a gitignore and creates a special mirror branch.
git-si pull            # Fetch the latest svn commit and rebase the current branch.
git-si readd           # Add files to svn that have been added to git.
git-si rebase          # Rebases current branch to mirror branch.
git-si status [FILES]  # Perform an svn status.
git-si usage           # How does this thing work?
git-si version         # Print the version.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request