
Gitlab LGTM merge Bot.



A Bot that auto-merges merge-requests if enough "LGTMS" have been received (by trusted users) resets automatically on MR changes or code pushes.


  • Create a bot user in gitlab add_user

  • Get the Private token of the newly created user

  • Install the Bot, on a server that can be reached from your gitlab installation (the bot also needs to be able to reach the gitlab instance)

    git clone
    cp config.json.example config.json
  • Customize the config.json

  • Customize the ci-bot.service to fit your paths

  • install the systemd service

    cp ci-bot.service /etc/systemd/system/
    systemctl enable ci-bot.service
    systemctl start ci-bot.service
  • Add the bot user to the desired gitlab project (on Project -> Members (master role, as it needs to be able to merge))

  • Add a webhook to the project (on Project -> Webhooks) add_user

If everthing went well - create a MR and you should see the bot posting to it "Init/Reset MR"

Config Options

  • endpoint- the URL to your gitlab api (E.g: http://gitlab/api/v3)
  • token - the private token of the bot user - used to access the api
  • lgtmUsers - array of users wich are allowed to post LGTM (e.g.: [ "user1", "user2" ]
  • lgtmRequired - number of required LGTM's before bot will hit the merge button. (e.g. 1)
  • port - port the bot-server will isten (e.g: 8080)
  • botUsername - the username of the bot (e.g: ci-bot)