
Ads API Client Libraries for Ruby


This project hosts the new Ads common framework for Ruby, as well as the Ruby client libraries for the various SOAP-based Ads APIs at Google.

The Ruby client libraries make it easier to write Ruby clients to programmatically access your accounts.

Want to stay up-to-date with our latest releases? Subscribe to the "downloads update feed": .

h1. Client Library Features

  • Support for logging incoming and outgoing SOAP messages
  • Support for logging request information
  • Support for API calls to the production or Sandbox environments
  • Local validation for parameter number and type on API calls
  • Thread-safe
  • Ruby-like syntax, by converting all method names and properties to snake_case instead of camelCase
  • Simplified development model by using arrays and hashes instead of soap4r objects (will also allow us to move away from soap4r in the future)
  • (AdWords) Support for tracking API unit usage
  • (AdWords) Report downloading in XML and CSV formats

Note: These client libraries do not fully support SSL validation at the moment.

--Google Ads APIs Team

h2. Modifications to make it work well with bundler

  • single gem both commons and adwords api
  • packaged to support soap4r >= 1.5.8 instead of = 1.5.8
  • .spec included for easy forking