
(Collaborative)TicTacToe is a 3x3 grid dual player game that assigns symbols(Xs, Os) to players. The final outcome is either a tie or a win. There are 8 possible winning combinations from a player, the player can win by making 3 consecutive moves either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. A player has a maximum of 5 possible moves.

MIT License


Tic Tac Toe Game


About   |    Rules   |    Built with   |    Set-up   |    Live Demo   |    Author


TicTacToe is a 3x3 grid dual player game that assignes symbols(Xs,Os) to players. The final outcome is either a tie or a win. There are 8 possible winning combinations from a player, player can win by making 3 consecutive moves either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. A player has maximum of 5 possible moves.


  • Players have to enter a name
  • The system assignes a symbol(X or O) to player
  • The player can make moves by pressing a number (of choice) on his/her keyboard
  • The position a player is choosing should not have been taking
  • The move made by a user should be a number otherwise its an invalid move
  • A player can win by making three consecutive moves vertically, horizontally or diagonally
  • If all position has been taken and there is no winner then its a tie(draw)
    For more detailed information on the game rules click here

Built with

  • Ruby

Live Demo

Run on Repl.it



Haroon Abdulrazaq

Rumbidzayi Mudziviri



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👍 Acknowledgements

Muhammad Talha Waqar