
rails-back end api


Health soft


Project Description

Health soft is a hospital management system module ment to manage patient admintion, patient appointments and patients treatment.

Table of content


languages used are:

  • Front-end
  1. React(Typescript)
  2. Sass

  • Back-end
  1. Ruby on Rails


  • As a Nurse you can be able to:
  1. Login with his/her account.
  2. Register a new patient
  3. Manage registered patients( update info, delete records)
  4. take patients vitals signs
  5. Book appointment(s) for a patient
  • As a Doctor you can be able to:
  1. View all the appointments.
  2. Check up patients records
  3. Do a checkup on a patient and record your findings and diagnosis
  • AS an admin you can be able to:
  1. Add new nurse, doctor or admin
  2. Update system users details.
  3. Delete an system users account


  • When a patient walks in the hospital he is admited if it is the first time he/she visits
  • His or her vitals signs will be recorded, including, temperature blood presure...
  • The nurse at reception will book an appointment for the patient with available doctor
  • The doctor will recieve the patient, and check on recorded vitals signs
  • the doctor will diagonise the patient and record the finding


  • Saving a profife picture for system users.

How to set up and run the project



  • npm
  • ruby
  • rails
  • node


Client (React)

clone the repo using the command

git clone [email protected]:Ebenezr/health-soft.git

change directory using command

cd health-soft

open project in vscode texteditor

code .

install dependancies

npm install

run front end

npm run dev

API (Ruby on Rails)

clone the repo using the command

git clone [email protected]:Ebenezr/health-soft-api.git

change directory using command

cd health-soft-api

open project in vscode texteditor

code .

Check your Ruby version

ruby -v

The ouput should start with something like ruby 2.5.1

If not, install the right ruby version using rbenv (it could take a while):

rbenv install 2.7.0

install dependancies packages

bundle install

Initialize the database

rails db:create db:migrate db:seed

run api server

rails s

live link

  • run the following live link in your browser

login Auths..


email: [email protected]
password: [email protected]


email: [email protected]
password: [email protected]


emai: [email protected]
password: [email protected]

How to use the project

Contributing to project

  • Fork the repo
  • Create a new branch in your terminal (git checkout -b improve-feature)
  • Install the prerequisites
  • Make appropriate changes in file(s)
  • Run the server to see the changes
  • Add the changes and commit them (git commit -am "Improve App")
  • Push to the branch (git push origin improve-app)
  • Create a Pull request


Copyright(c)[2022][bukosia ebenezar]

Contact Information


MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Bukosia Ebenezar