
SSLdump tool, with some patches to fix compatibility w/OpenSSL



This repository contains a modified ssldump formula for Homebrew, patched to fix support for building with the OpenSSL Homebrew formula.

See gist 5969597 for example outputs (comparing unmodified ssldump and the patched ssldump).

You will need to install Homebrew to use this, see here.


There are two methods to install packages from this repository.

Method 1: Tap

Tap the repository into your brew installation

brew tap mtigas/ssldump

You'll notice that brew install ssldump throws warnings -- this is because the formula cannot technically replace the original one in Homebrew core. You can install any of the packages in repo by manually denoting the "tap" prefix (mtigas/ssldump):

brew install mtigas/ssldump/ssldump

Method 2: Raw URL

First, find the raw URL for the formula you want. For example, the raw URL for the ssldump formula is:


Once you know the raw URL, simply use brew install [raw URL], like so:

brew install https://github.com/mtigas/homebrew-ssldump/raw/master/Formula/ssldump.rb

(Due to dependencies, you may need to perform brew tap mtigas/ssldump as in Method 1.)