
Your personal contact search engine and Post Man. Send Email, SMS, search contact without leaving your IDE. Supports various Gateways and Templates.

MIT License



Hulaki is a CLI tool to search contact details from your CSV file and sending easy SMS and Emails with single command.

Hulaki makes communication easier by providing ability to search through the contact list. The CLI tool also allows sending direct SMS and/or email to desired person in contact list


Before you install this, make sure Ruby >= 1.9 is installed in your system. To install Ruby

$ sudo apt-get install ruby

# or use RVM to install latest Ruby

Install this in your system using command.

$ gem install hulaki

# To install default configs and templates
$ hulaki --install

Note: To users having multiple versions of Ruby installed - Make sure to install this in your default ruby-version gem-set. Other wise you may not be able to use the command from anywhere in your terminal emulator. - Or install in every ruby-version gem-set; to make the command $ hulaki accessible from anywhere.



$ hulaki -s search-string
# Example: Hulaki features fuzzy search
#  $ hulaki -s smithjohn
#  $ hulaki -s johsmith
#  $ hulaki -s smijohnth

Example Output

$ hulaki -s 'jhn'
|                                       Hulaki 1.0                                    |  
| S.N | Name                           | Phone 1    | Phone 2    | Email              |
| 1   | John Bhusal                    | 984xxx8271 |            | [email protected] |
| 2   | Joe Dhakal                     | 984xxx8627 | 980xxx1820 |                    |
| 3   | Jhalak Parajuli                | 985xxx3695 |            |                    |
| 4   | Jonathan Dai  Subedi           | 984xxx4397 |            |                    |


$ hulaki -t +977xxxxxxxxxx -m "Message to be sent"

# You can even select a specific SMS Gateway
$ hulaki -t +977xxxxxxxxxx -m "Message to be sent" -g nexmo
$ hulaki -t +61xxxxxxxxxx  -m "Message to be sent" -g twilio
$ hulaki -t +1xxxxxxxxxx   -m "Message to be sent" -g sparrow

# You can even broadcast SMSes selecting a specific SMS Gateway
#   However, keep in mind that multiple SMS request will go to the server
$ hulaki -t +977xxxxxxxxxx,+9779832xxxxxx -m "Message to be sent" -g nexmo

# You can also change the name that appears on recipient's Phone using `-f` switch. This only works with Nexmo
$ hulaki -t +977xxxxxxxxxx,+9779832xxxxxx -m "Message to be sent" -g nexmo -f "Hero Dai!"


$ hulaki -t [email protected] -S "Subject of the email" -m "Message to be sent"
$ hulaki -t [email protected] --subject "Subject of the email" -m "Message to be sent"

# You can even broadcast emails, i.e. mutiple recipients
#   However, keep in mind that multiple SMTP request will go to the server. No `CC`, `BCC` will be used
$ hulaki -t [email protected],[email protected] --subject "Subject of the email" -m "Message to be sent"

# You can also change your sender id using `-f` switch
$ hulaki -t [email protected] -S "Subject of the email" -m "Message to be sent" -f "My Name<[email protected]>"

Email Templates/Layouts

You are allowed to have an Email template in HTML format at ~/hulaki/template.html.erb which will be copied when you use -i switch. If you have use_template setting set to true then only you will be able to use the template. Templates are like Layouts in Rails.

$ hulaki -t [email protected] -S "Subject of the email" -m "Message to be sent"

Specific options:

    -t, --to x,y,z                   list of recipient, can be
    -m, --message [Message]          Message to be sent to recipient
    -S, --subject [Subject]          Subject to email
    -g, --gateway [Gateway Name]     Name of the gateway, `nexmo`, `twilio`, `sparrow` are currently supported
    -f, --from [Sender]              name <email> | PhoneNumber; this will take precedence over `from` in `config.yml`.
    -s, --search [name/contact]      Search keyword
    -h, --help                       Help / Examples
    -l, --list                       list all the options available
    -i, --install                    Creates ~/hulaki/config.yml, `template.html.erb`. Will ask you if have to replace them


  • Hulaki requires the file ~/hulaki/contact.csv to be present.
    • The file must be a valid CSV file.
  • When you install the gem, a sample config and template filea are copied to ~/hulaki/
    • You need to update the template per requirement.
    • You need to update your SMS gateway(eg. Twilio, nexmo) creds
      • Hulaki only supports Twilio and nexmo at the moment.
    • Also, update the SMTP settings accordingly


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.