
smart pinto glue



Smart pinto glue.


Pinto is an application for creating and managing a custom CPAN-like repository of Perl modules.

Pjam is a tool which enables automatic creation of perl applications distribution archives from source code. So pjam can be used in continues integration for PERL. Current version only supports Module::Build based projects ( valid Build.PL should be provided ) kept under subversion SCM, but it may be changed if interest will be shown.

client and server

Pjam consists of two parts: pjam client - is the command line utility to take all operations and pjam server to provide remote access to pjam client's limited api.

prerequisites and conventions

  • pinto client should be installed; pinto command should be in PATH.
  • subversion client should be installed; svn command should be in PATH.
  • source codes must be stored under subversion SCM.
  • every source code directory should have Build.PL file.

I'd like to abolish some points in this list eventually, but at the moment it just fits my requirements, ( any contribution is welcome ).


gem install pjam

pjam concept

First of all let's understand a few simple things about pjam architecture.

pjam project

Pjam client is the directory centric tool. All data necessary to build distribution archive should be placed in single directory, called project root directory hereby this directory represents a pjam project. Every pjam project hereby produce a single distribution archive. You may have as many pjam projects as you want to create various distribution archives. Project root directory contains two logical data parts:


Sources are sub directories inside project root directory with source code to build distribution archive from. Every source directory should include valid Build.PL files to satisfy cpan distribution requirements and be kept by subversion SCM. Sources are non*CPAN dependencies to be included in distribution archive. CPAN dependencies are declared in standard way in Build.PL files in every source directory.

configuration file

Configuration file is stored in the root directory and describes the process of distribution archive creation.

build phases

When pjam starts to create distribution archive, it does it in two phases:

pinto phase

First of all pjam collect all dependencies information, stored in sources directories and add them into pinto repository.

distribution phase

Then if everything is ok with pinto phase and no errors are occurred, pjam starts distribution archive creation, all the dependencies are get fetched from pinto repository and are installed locally, if installation is ok, distribution archive is created including all locally installed modules.

hello world example

First, let's create project root directory and add some sources:

$ mkdir  my-application
$ cd my-application 
$ svn co  http://svn.repo/my-app/trunk application
$ svn co  http://svn.repo/lib/my-cute-lib/trunk lib

Then create configuration file:

$ nano pjam.json 

    "repository" : "/var/pinto/repos/my-repo",
    "application": "application",
    "sources": [

The content of configuration file is pretty self-explanatory:


The repository parameter points to the pinto repository to download external dependencies ( CPAN modules ) from. Before we start create distribution archive we should create pinto repository and optionally a stack:

$ pinto --root init /var/pinto/repos/my-repo

Check out pinto documentation to get know what pinto stacks and repositories are.


The source parameter is the array of sources directories, they should be sub directories of the project root directory. It is necessarily to say, that sources in sources array are processed in order, so if source "A" is depended on source "B" ( has perl module dependencies, defined in "B" ), than "A" should be followed by "B" in sources list.


The application parameter points to the source directory to make distribution from.

After setting our project we are ready to create distribution archive using pjam power:

$ cd my-application
$ pjam

Now we have distribution archive located at my-application/application/my-app.v0.1.0.tar.gz with all our dependencies taken from pinto repository:

 $ pinto -r  /var/pinto/repos/my-repo list 

pjam client command line interface

Main usage, make distribution archive:

$ pjam <options>


  • --p, -p: path to project root directory, if not set - use current working directory.

  • --c, -c <s>: path to pjam configuration file, should be relative to project root directory.

  • --update, --no-update, -u: in pinto phase update distribution archive, even if it already exists in pinto repository. (default: true).

  • --dry-run, -d: run in dry-run mode; if dry-run mode is enabled, only upcoming changes will be shown, no action will be taken. (default: false).

  • --skip-pinto: skip pinto phase, only do distribution phase. Useful when prerequisites are already in pinto repository and you only want to create distribution archive. (default: false).

  • --only-pinto, -y: only do pinto phase, skip distribution phase. (default: false).

  • --only, -l <s>: only add given source(s). multiple sources are separated by comma.

  • --no-misc, -o: do not add miscellaneous prerequisites. See modules section in pjam.json file. (default: false).

  • --wd, -w: pull/add dependencies for development (default: true).

  • --env, -e <s>: environmental varibales. setup in format env='a=1 b=2 c=3'.

  • --no-color, -n: disable color output. (default: false).

  • --help: print help info.

  • --version, -v: print version and exit.

sources filter

This feature allows you to process only given sources ( and skip others ), multiple sources may be passed via only parameter, using comma separator:

--only 'lib1 lib2 lib10'

pjam configuration file specification

   "repository" : "my-repo",
    "stack" : "my-stack",
    "application": "app",
    "sources": [
    "modules": [
  • repository - a pinto repository to download external dependencies ( cpan modules ) from.
  • stack - name of pinto stack in pinto repository ( given by repository parameter ), default if not set.
  • application - the name of source directory to make distribution from.
  • sources - is array of sources.
  • modules - is array of miscellaneous prerequisites, should follow pinto pull command format. Modules get pulled to pinto repository ( during pinto phase ) and being added to distribution archive ( during distribution create phase ).
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