
JXpense is a dynamic full-stack Ruby on Rails mobile web-based application designed to effortlessly manage your expenses and income. Note, its on a free instance cloud sever and spins down with inactivity so it takes about 50 seconds to boot.


JXpense project

JXpense is a ruby on rails mobile web-based application that helps you keep track of your expenses and income. No install required, and very user friendly.

Live Link

Click here to view the website online.


Splash Screen SignUp/In Category Page Product Page

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

  • You can clone this repo by typing git clone [email protected]:julie-ify/JXpense.git on your terminal.

  • Type cd JXpense to access the project on the terminal.

  • Open the project in your code editor

  • Run bundle install to install all the required gems

  • Run rake db:setup to setup your database

  • Run rails s to start a development server

  • Run rubocop && rubocop -A to check for and fix formatting errors.

Integration/Unit Testing

rspec spec will run all the tests.

Also, you can run rspec spec/ to run specific tests.

You can also run RAILS_ENV=test rspec spec/ to run the tests in test mode.

Manual Testing

If you would like to test the app using a test user account which has seed data

Login Details

This project was built with

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Postgressql

  • Bootstrap CSS Framework

  • Device

  • Cancancan

  • Capybara

  • Rspec

👤 Author

👤 Juliana Ifionu

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.