
Example of using rackbox, databox and knife-solo to provision a full-stack, rack-based web server.


Kitchen Example

An example of using rackbox & databox and knife-solo to provision a full-stack, rack-based web server.

How to build kitchen-example from scratch:

  1. Create Gemfile:

    source ""
    gem "knife-solo", "0.3.0pre3"
    gem "berkshelf"
  2. Create Berksfile:

    site :opscode
    cookbook "runit", "1.1.2"
    cookbook "databox"
    cookbook "rackbox"
  3. Install ruby gems

    bundle install
  4. Setup knife-solo directory structure

    bundle exec knife solo init .
  5. Copy the node config example

    curl --output nodes/myhost.json

Provision rack-based server

git clone git://
cd kitchen-example

# install berkshelf, knife-solo
bundle install

# download cookbooks
bundle exec berks install -p cookbooks/

# copy & edit the node config
cp nodes/host.json.example testbox.json

# setup chef-solo on the node
bundle exec knife solo prepare testbox

# provision the node
bundle exec knife solo cook testbox

Deploy rails on unicorn

git clone git://
cd sample-app1
bundle install
ssh testbox 
# in testbox, add SSH known host by running:
#    ssh [email protected]   
bundle exec cap deploy:setup
bundle exec cap deploy:migrations

Deploy rails on passenger

git clone git://
cd sample-app2
bundle install
ssh testbox 
# in testbox, add SSH known host by running:
#    ssh [email protected]   
bundle exec cap deploy:setup
bundle exec cap deploy:migrations