
Packaging infrastructure for ansible-lanparty with Rake and fpm-cookery


lanparty-packages - packaging infra for ansible-lanparty

This repository contains the build infrastructure for the software deployed using ansible-lanparty. It is inspired by Codeship build infrastructure and is Debian-oriented. Builds are run in Docker containers using fpm-cookery or simply using Rake where applicable.

It sets out to achieve the following goals:

  • Reproducible package builds that (sort of) allow for continuous integration
  • Allows us to apply hotfixes to critical pieces of our infrastructure safely
  • Applying customizations to Debian or upstream packages
  • Distribute our own software using Debian packages
  • etc.


Since all build environments run containerized, there are no external dependencies but docker-compose, which takes care of setting environment variables and invoking the right commands when starting containers.

  • Docker (>= 1.11.0)
  • docker-compose


Building the Docker images

First, build the images in the correct order:

$ docker-compose build baseimg
$ docker-compose build kernelimg

Make sure this completes successfully. Check installed images using:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG    IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
lanparty-packages   kernel 167d349357f0   15 seconds ago   2.248 GB
lanparty-packages   base   b9aa1afa3990   5 minutes ago    866.4 MB

Building Packages

To build a specific package, run:

docker-compose run <package>

Available options are:

  • consul - service discovery build from upstream
  • collectd - monitoring agent, built from Debian source package
  • joki - lightweight latency tracking in Go + InfluxDB
  • nginx - official upstream with replace-filter module
  • nginx-git - same as upstream, but builds ti-mo/nginx from Git
  • php5 - ZTS + pthreads build from Debian sources
  • kernel-ck-tick - custom kernel with BFS/MuQSS and 1000HZ
  • kernel-ck-notick - same as above, but tickless (WIP)

Check docker-compose.yml for all available options.

The output of the package build processes can be found in pkg/.

Cleaning up containers

docker-compose creates new containers everytime docker-compose run is invoked. This causes containers of different builds to keep piling up. Run the following command in the repo dir to clean up containers from all runs:

docker-compose rm


This section assumes you have an Aptly API set up, which is beyond the scope of this README.

Setting up the API client

Download an Aptly CLI client. (we use Ruby aptly_cli) Configure your credentials in /etc/aptly-cli.conf. An alternative config location can be provided with the -c flag.

# /etc/aptly-cli.conf
:proto: https
:server: <your-aptly-api>
:port: 443
:debug: false
:username: <username>
:password: <password>

Verify connectivity:

$ aptly-cli repo_list

Looks good!

Creating an Aptly repo

Create the repository itself:

aptly-cli -c aptly-cli.conf repo_create --name lanparty

Publish repository with both x86 architectures (i386 and amd64):

aptly-cli publish_repo --name lanparty --sourcekind local --distribution lanparty --architectures i386,amd64 --prefix .


This heading (Uploading) and the next (Publishing) are to be repeated for every batch of packages you want to add to the repository. This allows for atomic transactions, for example, when uploading a bunch of dependant packages.

Upload a .deb file to a directory of choice. (mind the leading /)

aptly-cli file_upload --upload influxdb_1.0.2_amd64.deb --directory /lanparty-incoming

List uploaded files in lanparty-incoming:

aptly-cli file_list --directory lanparty-incoming


Rotate uploaded files into repository:

aptly-cli repo_upload --dir lanparty-incoming --name lanparty

Update the published repository with:

aptly-cli publish_update --distribution lanparty


Dropping a published repo

Does what it says on the tin, drops the published version of the repo (but keeps the repo itself around!):

aptly-cli publish_drop --name lanparty

Updating a published repo

Update a published repo, mostly used for changing the key of the GPG ID to sign the repo with:

aptly-cli publish_update --distribution lanparty --gpg_key 466665F8

Or to change the prefix:

aptly-cli publish_update --distribution lanparty --prefix .

Deleting a (file) folder

Even though files get moved out of directories when invoking repo_upload, the directories itself will stick around. Run the following to delete a file or a whole directory. (for example when uploading files to temporary directories with timestamps, etc.)

aptly-cli file_delete --target /lanparty-incoming