
It's Lists!

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



This is Lists*, a really simple service for creating and maintaining lists of astronomical things. It's an experimental service created by the team at MAST.

Getting started

First visit to get started - you'll need an ORCID account to sign in.

About Lists

A List belongs to an individual. Lists need at a minimum a name, and a short description. Lists can be public or private.

Each List is composed of multiple (currently limited to 10,000) Things. Each Thing has custom user-defined properties.

Creating a list

To create a List you first need to create a Git repository with the metadata that defines the list properties and the Things you want to include in your List. An example of a list for brown dwarfs is here:

List conventions

A List repository should have the following basic structure:

list.yaml       # A YAML file describing the List (required)
things/         # A folder called 'things' with separate files for each Thing (required)
LICENSE         # Recommended       # Recommended

YAML is a human-readable markup language. You can read more about the YAML syntax here:

A worked example

An example of a list for brown dwarfs is here:

The list.yaml is defined with a name, description and an array of properties that are essentially available fields to describe the associated Things with:

So to describe our list of brown dwarfs we are describing a collection of properties including:

  • Short Name - the brown dwarf name
  • Alternative Designation - an alternative name
  • Distance - distance in pc
  • RA - the right ascension
  • Dec - the declination

The YAML to describe this list is as follows:

name: "Arfon's Fantastic List of Brown Dwarfs"
description: "Arfon's list of brown dwarfs. Hand-picked just for you."
  - name: "Short Name"
    kind: "String"
    units: ""
    required: "true"
    group: "Default"
    key: "default_short_name"
  - name: "Alternate Designation"
    kind: "String"
    units: ""
    required: "true"
    group: "Default"
    key: "default_alternate_designation"
  - name: "Distance"
    kind: "Decimal"
    units: "pc"
    required: "false"
    group: "Default"
    key: "default_distance"
  - name: "RA"
    kind: "Decimal"
    units: "degrees"
    required: "true"
    group: "Default"
    key: "default_ra"

properties in list.yaml is a YAML array and each of the properties in the array has the following structure:

- name: "RA"          # The property name (required)
  kind: "Decimal"     # The 'type' of the property
  units: "degrees"    # The units of the property value
  required: "true"    # Whether this is a required property for the Thing
  group: "Default"    # The property group
  key: "default_ra"   # The unique key identifying the property (required)


The key field for a property is used to relate the top-level properties defined within list.yaml with the associated list items (Things) stored in the things directory.

key fields must be unique in your list and by convention take the form of group + name all in lowercase joined by underscores.


Things should be nested in the List repository in a folder named things. Each Thing in your list should have its own file. Below is an example for the brown dwarf 1658+1820:

# Example for `things/1658+1820.yaml`

  value: "1658+1820"
  origin: ""
  value: "SDSS J16585026+1820006"
  origin: ""
  value: ""
  origin: ""
  value: "254.709737"
  origin: ""
  value: "18.333275"
  origin: ""
  value: "Optical: L0.0 L0.0"
  origin: ""

Note that we only need to define two key/value pairs here, property_key and property_value. These property_key fields are matched against the properties defined in list.yaml when presenting them.

Importing a list from a Git repository

Once you've made a list you you can import it from the command line with the following three tasks:

thor lists:clone   # Clone the target list source repository
thor lists:verify  # Verify target repository has correct basic structure
thor lists:load    # Load the target repository into the database

thor lists:clone

N.B. Only public Git repositories are currently supported.

Clones the target repository to tmp/repository_name:

> thor lists:clone [email protected]:arfon/brown_dwarfs.git

thor lists:verify

Verify the list repository has the correct basic structure:

> thor lists:verify /Users/arfon/stsci/lists/tmp/brown_dwarfs

thor lists:load

Load the local repository into the local database. By default doesn't save records, use --save=true to write to the database:

# Doesn't save to the DB
> thor lists:load /Users/arfon/stsci/lists/tmp/brown_dwarfs

# Save to DB
> thor lists:load /Users/arfon/stsci/lists/tmp/brown_dwarfs --save=true


Lists has a simple API RESTful that allows you to view Lists and their associated Things and also filter these Things based on custom URL filters.

The Lists API responses implement the JSON-API specification.

Base URL

All URLs referenced in the following documentation have the following base:


Currently authentication is not supported via the API. Therefore, only visible Lists are available via the API.


By default all collection resources support pagination. Resource can be paged through by passing a page= URL parameter. The default page size is 30 records, this can be adjusted by passing a per_page= URL parameter (e.g. per_page=50).

URL Cheat Sheet

If you're just looking for a quick list of the URLs that the Lists service exposes here it is:

All public lists:
A single list:

A list's Things:
Filtering a List's Things:
A single List Thing:

A User's public lists:

For more in-depth documentation read on...

List Resource

The 30 most recent visible Lists are available at:

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: close

            "name":"Arfon's Fantastic List of Brown Dwarfs",
            "description":"Arfon's list of brown dwarfs. Hand-picked just for you.",
                  "name":"Short Name",
                  "name":"Alternate Designation",
                  "name":"Spectral Types",
                  "name":"SDSS u",
                  "name":"SDSS g",
                  "name":"SDSS r",
                  "name":"SDSS i",
                  "name":"SDSS z",
                  "name":"2MASS J",
                  "name":"2MASS H",
                  "name":"2MASS Ks",
                  "name":"WISE W1",
                  "name":"WISE W2",
                  "name":"WISE W3",
                  "name":"WISE W4",


Additional lists can be accessed by paging, e.g.:

Accessing a single List

Following RESTful conventions, individual Lists are available at:
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: close

         "name":"Arfon's Fantastic List of Brown Dwarfs",
         "description":"Arfon's list of brown dwarfs. Hand-picked just for you.",
               "name":"Short Name",
               "name":"Alternate Designation",
               "name":"Spectral Types",
               "name":"SDSS u",
               "name":"SDSS g",
               "name":"SDSS r",
               "name":"SDSS i",
               "name":"SDSS z",
               "name":"2MASS J",
               "name":"2MASS H",
               "name":"2MASS Ks",
               "name":"WISE W1",
               "name":"WISE W2",
               "name":"WISE W3",
               "name":"WISE W4",

Thing Resource

Things are available as a nested resource on the parent List. For example, the Things for List ID 34e1e459c816fc8ad0b8602ac6adfbd9 are available at:

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: close

                  "value":"Optical: L6.0 Infrared: T0.0",
                  "value":"2MASS J13314894-0116500",
                  "value":"Optical: L0.0 L0.0",
                  "value":"SDSS J16585026+1820006",


Accessing a single thing

A single Thing can also be accessed via a nested List URL, for example, for Thing ID de562564270ce9135871db63c7d75908:

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: close

               "value":"Optical: L6.0 Infrared: T0.0",
               "value":"2MASS J13314894-0116500",

Filtering Things

It's possible to return only a subset of the Things associated with a List. This is achieved by passing custom URL parameters that match the List property keys to the following URL:

The filtering functionality supports three basic filtering options: 0. Exact match (e.g. default_ra=123.456) 0. Greater than or equal to (e.g. default_ra=gte123.456) 0. Less than or equal to (e.g. default_ra=lte123.456)

Available filter parameters are defined by the parent List property keys and can be combined when constructing a query.

For example, to find all Things (brown dwarfs in this case) for the List defined in the worked example above, with ID 3093de1052c36fc07241f920fd0b284c, with a RA greater than 20 degrees and a 2MASS J photometry brighter than 15th magnitude (assuming these are the units of a property):

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \

Viewing a User and their public Lists

If you know a User's ID then you can view the user and access their public lists via the API:

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: close
         "name":"Arfon Smith",
               "name":"Arfon's Fantastic List of Brown Dwarfs",
               "description":"Arfon's list of brown dwarfs. Hand-picked just for you.",
                     "name":"Short Name",
                     "name":"Alternate Designation",
                     "name":"Spectral Types",
                     "name":"SDSS u",
                     "name":"SDSS g",
                     "name":"SDSS r",
                     "name":"SDSS i",
                     "name":"SDSS z",
                     "name":"2MASS J",
                     "name":"2MASS H",
                     "name":"2MASS Ks",
                     "name":"WISE W1",
                     "name":"WISE W2",
                     "name":"WISE W3",
                     "name":"WISE W4",

Note that if a User has more than 30 public lists then you'll need to paginate, e.g.:

*Formerly known as Listicles