
Kickstart your Rails projects with this opinionated starter kit

MIT License


Rails Template

This enhanced template for Ruby on Rails projects provides a solid starting point with additional configurations and tools to boost your development experience.

How to Use

  1. Create a new Rails application using this template:
rails new myapp -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LukasPol/rails-template/main/template.rb
  1. Follow the interactive prompts to customize your project. Choose options for RuboCop, RSpec, Factory Bot, and more.

Configuration Details

Database Configuration

The template configures the config/database.yml file, allowing you to set up the database connection parameters. If you've chosen a database other than SQLite, the template prompts you to provide details such as host, username, and password.

RSpec Testing Framework

  • RSpec: The template includes RSpec, a testing framework for Ruby. Write your tests in the spec directory.
  • Factory Bot: FactoryBot is configured to easily create test data. Use it in conjunction with RSpec to create concise and readable tests.
  • FFaker: A library for generating fake data to use in tests.
  • Shoulda Matchers: Provides a set of useful matchers for RSpec, making it easier to write expressive and readable tests.
  • Database Cleaner: Configured to clean the database between test runs, ensuring a clean slate for each test suite.

Code Coverage with SimpleCov

  • SimpleCov: Integrated to measure code coverage. View the coverage report by opening coverage/index.html in your browser after running your tests.


  • RuboCop: A static code analyzer and formatter, configured to enforce a consistent and clean code style.

Feature Requests and Enhancements

Feel free to contribute to the improvement of this template! Below are some planned enhancements and feature requests:

  1. Add Docker support to the template

    • Dockerizing the project for improved consistency and deployment.
  2. Integrate RubyCritic for code analysis

    • Enhance code quality with RubyCritic.
  3. Implement Foreman for process management

    • Streamline process management during development.
  4. Integrate Devise for authentication

    • Include authentication functionality using Devise.
  5. Include Simple Form for form generation

    • Streamline form creation with Simple Form.
  6. Integrate Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling

    • Enhance styling capabilities using Tailwind CSS.
  7. Implement Internationalization (I18n) for multilingual support

    • Enable multilingual support with I18n.
  8. Create a new template specifically for API projects

    • Develop a template tailored for API projects.

Feel free to check the linked issues for more details and contribute to the discussion or implementation!


If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This Rails template is open-source and available under the MIT License.