PDF MapCSS renderer in Ruby


MapPDF - Ruby map PDF renderer

This is an experimental PDF renderer from MapCSS stylesheets.

== Dependencies ==

NOTE: current Prawn will not work perfectly. You need a slight patch to lib/prawn/images.rb - see comments in lib/pdf_renderer/point_item.rb. You'll still get a map without this patch, but the icons will be offset.

== How to use ==

See pdf_test.rb. In short:

  1. (OSMlib) Read your OSM data into a database
  2. (mapcss_ruby) Create a 'parent objects' dictionary
  3. (mapcss_ruby) Read the MapCSS file into a RuleSet
  4. (mappdf_ruby) Create a MapSpec with the bounding box and map area parameters
  5. (Prawn) Create a PDF
  6. (mappdf_ruby) Tell the MapSpec to draw onto it

== To do ==

  • Better text offset

== Not currently supported ==

  • Dash decoration (arrows etc.)
  • Underline

== Licence and author ==

WTFPL. You can do whatever the fuck you want with this code. Code by Richard Fairhurst, autumn 2011.

OpenStreetMap data by OpenStreetMap contributors (CC-BY-SA).