
MAX Exchange API Ruby SDK

MIT License


MAX Exchange API Ruby SDK

A ruby implementation of MAX exchange API

  • Websocket API



  • Ruby 2.2 ~ 2.7, 3.0


gem 'max_exchange_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install max_exchange_api


Set timeout time

# Set default timeout time
MaxExchangeApi.default_config.timeout = 3 # seconds

# Create an api instance with custom timeout time
api = { timeout: 12 })
api =, secret_key, config: { timeout: 12 })


require 'logger'

# Print log to standard output
MaxExchangeApi.default_config.logger =

# Print log to file
MaxExchangeApi.default_config.logger ='log/api.log')

# Create an api instance with custom logger
api = { logger: })
api =, secret_key, config: { logger: })


Public Api Examples

@api =

GET /api/v2/vip_levels

Get all VIP level fees.


GET /api/v2/vip_levels/{level}

Get VIP level fee by level.


GET /api/v2/currencies

Get all available currencies.


GET /api/v2/k

Get OHLC(k line) of a specific market.

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.k('btctwd', limit: 30, period: 1, timestamp: 1624705402)

GET /api/v2/depth

Get depth of a specified market.

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.depth('maxtwd', limit: 10, sort_by_price: true)

GET /api/v2/trades

Get recent trades on market, sorted in reverse creation order.

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  timestamp: 1624705402,
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  order_by: 'asc',
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

GET /api/v2/markets

Get all available markets.

GET /api/v2/summary

Overview of market data for all tickers.


GET /api/v2/tickers/{path_market}

Get ticker of specific market.


GET /api/v2/tickers

Get ticker of all markets.


GET /api/v2/timestamp

Get server current time, in seconds since Unix epoch.


Private Api Examples

access_key = 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY'
secret_key = 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY'

@api =, secret_key)


GET /api/v2/trades/my/of_order

get your executed trades related to a order

# use max unique order id

# use user specified order id
@api.my_trades_of_order('MY_ORDER_123456', use_client_id: true)

GET /api/v2/trades/my

get your executed trades, sorted in reverse creation order

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  timestamp: 1624705402,
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  order_by: 'asc',
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,


GET /api/v2/withdrawals

get your external withdrawals history

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  state: 'confirmed',
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

GET /api/v2/withdrawal

get details of a specific external withdraw


POST /api/v2/withdrawal

submit a withdrawal. IP whitelist for api token is required.

@api.create_withdrawal!('twd', 'withdraw_address_id', 100000)


GET /api/v2/members/profile

get personal profile information


GET /api/v2/members/me

get your profile and accounts information

GET /api/v2/members/vip_level

get VIP level info



GET /api/v2/members/accounts

get personal accounts information


GET /api/v2/members/accounts/{path_currency}

get personal accounts information of a currency



GET /api/v2/deposits

get your deposits history

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  state: 'accepted',
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

GET /api/v2/deposit

get details of a specific deposit



GET /api/v2/deposit_addresses

The addresses could be empty before generated, please call POST /deposit_addresses in that case

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.deposit_addresses(currency: 'twd', pagination: true, page: 3, limit: 15, offset: 5)

POST /api/v2/deposit_addresses

Address creation is asynchronous, please call GET /deposit_addresses later to get generated addresses


GET /api/v2/withdraw_addresses

get withdraw addresses

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.withdraw_addresses('usdt', pagination: true, page: 3, limit: 15, offset: 5)

Internal Transfer

GET /api/v2/internal_transfers

get internal transfers history

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  currency: 'btc',
  side: 'in',
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  pagination: true, 
  page: 3, 
  limit: 15, 
  offset: 5,

GET /api/v2/internal_transfer

get details of a specific internal transfer



GET /api/v2/rewards

get rewards history

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  currency: 'btc',
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

GET /api/v2/rewards/{path_reward_type}

get specific rewards history

# use default parameters
@api.rewards(reward_type: 'airdrop_rewards')

# provide all possible parameters
  reward_type: 'airdrop_rewards',
  currency: 'btc',
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

GET /api/v2/max_rewards/yesterday

get max rewards yesterday


GET /api/v2/yields

get yields history

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  currency: 'usdt',
  from: 68444,
  to: 69444,
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,


GET /api/v2/orders

get your orders, results is paginated.

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
  state: 'done',
  order_by: 'desc',
  group_id: 12345,
  pagination: true,
  page: 3,
  limit: 15,
  offset: 5,

GET /api/v2/order

get a specific order.

# use max unique order id

# use user specified order id
@api.order('MY_ORDER_123456', use_client_id: true)

POST /api/v2/orders/clear

cancel all your orders with given market and side

# use default parameters

# provide all possible parameters
@api.cancel_orders!(market: 'maxtwd', side: 'sell', group_id: '123456')

POST /api/v2/order/delete

cancel an order

# use max unique order id

# use user specified order id
@api.cancel_order!('MY_ORDER_123456', use_client_id: true)

POST /api/v2/orders

create a sell/buy order

# use default parameters
@api.create_order!('maxtwd', 'buy', 1000, price: 7.5)

# provide all possible parameters
  price: 7.5,
  client_oid: 'MY_ORDER_ID_12345',
  stop_price: 8,
  ord_type: 'limit',
  group_id: 12345678,

POST /api/v2/orders/multi/onebyone

Create multiple sell/buy orders, orders may be partially accepted, please put your orders as an array in json body.

# use default parameters
@api.create_orders!('maxtwd', [
  { side: 'buy', volume: '1000', price: '7.5' },
  { side: 'buy', volume: '1500', price: '7.2' },

# provide all possible parameters
@api.create_orders!('maxtwd', [
  { side: 'buy', volume: '1000', price: '7.5', client_oid: 'MY_ORDER_ID_12345', stop_price: '8', ord_type: 'limit' },
  { side: 'buy', volume: '1500', price: '7.2', client_oid: 'MY_ORDER_ID_12346', stop_price: '8', ord_type: 'limit' },
], group_id: 12345)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.