
[DEAD] Mirrored is a wrapper for the mirrored del.icio.us and ma.gnolia apis.

MIT License


= Mirrored

Mirrored is a really easy to use wrapper for the delicious api (http://del.icio.us/help/api) and magnolia's mirrored version (http://wiki.ma.gnolia.com/Mirror%27d_API).

== Install

sudo gem install mirrored -y

== Usage

  1. Setup your connection to either :magnolia or :delicious.

    Mirrored::Base.establish_connection(:magnolia, 'jnunemaker', 'password')

  2. Work the mirrored classes (Post, Tag, Update and Date)

    => posts tagged ruby

    Mirrored::Post.find(:get, :tag => 'ruby')

You can also manipulate tags, find out when your last update was and see information about your posting habits. See the rubyforge page for more information (http://mirrored.rubyforge.org).