
Tool for versioning git flow projects

MPL-2.0 License



Mr Bump is a small utility for helping to version and changelog Git Flow projects.

It requires a develop branch (where most of your developing goes), a release branch with an embedded version number in the form \d+.\d+(.\d+)?, and a master branch.

You will need ruby installed and a Linux or Mac system.

Naming Conventions

mr_bump will update the changelog with entries in the following format:

# 11.16.3
 * Bugfix - DA-31 - Some minor bug description

It takes this information from the branch name and pull request title and comments.

Branches should take the form:


The pull request title should just contain a description of the work undertaken.

It is possible to have a different title, this can be done by changing the comment on the merge commit.

Running mr_bump

Bugfixes and Hotfixes

mr_bump can be installed by running gem install mr_bump, or by adding the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'mr_bump', require: false

and running bundle install.

When you're ready to bump, switch to either the release or master branch and run mr_bump when you're in the repository root.

You will initially be asked if your PR has been recently closed. You will be prompted with a Yes/No option. If you select no, mr_bump will desplay the 10 most recent PRs in your repository and ask for the PR ID for the PR you wish to close, the output will look something like this:

Here are the 10 most recent PRs in your repo:
#1234 - Most recent pull request title
#1235 - Another pull request title
#1236 - Final pull request title
Enter the PR number to merge : 1234

If you see 404 - Not Found it is likely that your access token is invalid.

Type the number of the PR you wish to merge and press Enter. Git Hub API errors are usually well explained and you will see an error like 405 - Pull Request is not mergeable if Git is unable to close your PR. This will exit mr_bump.

You will now be able to view your changes, the output will look something like:

# 11.16.3
 * Bugfix - DA-31 - Some minor bug description
 * Bugfix - ML-31 - Some minor bug description
[A]ccept these changes / Manually [E]dit / [C]ancel Release :

You can now review the changes. If you are happy with the changes type a and press Enter.

If you wish to make manual changes to the output, type e and press Enter. This will update your and drop you into your git editor, or nano by default, so that you can make modifications. Make the required modifications, and exit your editor.

When you have finished editing you will be able to review your changes and be presented with the following options:

[A]ccept modified changes / [C]ancel Release :

To accept the changes press a then press Enter, alternatively you can abandon the bump by pressing c then Enter.

When you submit the changes, the will be updated, commited and pushed and the commit will be tagged.

If you wish to see what mr_bump would do without actually changing anything, you can use

mr_bump --dry-run

Cutting a new release

To cut a new release, switch to the develop branch and run mr_bump. You will be shown something similar to the following:

You are about to cut a release branch. If you are sure you want to do this type: 

Asides from the additional confirmation, the rest of the procedure is the same as for a hotfix.

Config File

The config file should be stored in the root directory of the repository under the name .mr_bump. The config file is a yaml file which contains configurations for Mr Bump.

Users can customise their own defaults by putting the relevent config option in a file called ~/.mr_bump.yml. Project level configuration will overide these options.

Slack Integration

Mr Bump includes slack integration with a custom name and icon. To enable Slack integration add the following to your .mr_bump config file:

  webhook_url: ""
  username: "Mr Bump"
  icon: "https://path_to_image.png"

If you do not wish to use Slack integration, remove the Slack section from your config file.

JIRA for Slack

Mr Bump can attatch Jira links to Slack posts. To enable this feature, simply add a Jira URL to the Mr Bump config file under jira_url:

  webhook_url: ""
  username: "Mr Bump"
  icon: "https://path_to_image.png"
  jira_url: ""

Post bump commands

Mr Bump allows post bump system commands for actions like deploys. These have to be included in your .mr_bump config file in the following format:

  release: "release deploy command"
  master: "master deploy command"
  develop: "post release develop command"

It is important to note that when cutting a new release, both the release and develop commands will be run.

If you have post bump commands in your config then once you have pushed your changelog and tagged, you will be prompted as follows:

Would you like to execute the following post bump commands?
[Y]es execute / [N]o Im done : y

Pressing Y will execute commands as listed in the config. Pressing N will complete the bump without executing any further commands.

If you do not include anything under the post_bump key in your .mr_bump config, you will not be prompted and mr_bump will simply exit after pushing the tags and changelog.

Customising the changlog format

Your changelog can be customized by using the markdown_template configuration option. The template is in mustache format. The allowed parameters are

  • branch_type: Bugfix / Feature / Hotfix
  • dev_id: The development ID for this feature
  • comment_lines: Array of all lines in commit comment
  • first_commit_line: The first line of the commit comment
  • comment_body: The rest of the lines in the comment

The default is:

markdown_template: " * {{branch_type}} - {{dev_id}} - {{first_comment_line}}{{#comment_body}}\n  {{.}}{{/comment_body}}"

Git token

Mr Bump uses the Git Hub API. To do this you require a access token. The token should be stored in ~/.mr_bump.yml.

To generate your token follow the guide here:

An example ~/.mr_bump.yml file can be seen below

github_api_token: 0d51e8dbc4802d27eebc913bc1e6844a57773076

Customising release branch names

Both user level and project level config options support two options for customisation of branch names, release_prefix and release_suffix. The default is:

release_prefix: release/

This means mr_bump will look for branches in the form release/0.0.0. If for example, you would rather your "UAT" style branches were in the form v0.0.0-testing, you would set these varables to

release_prefix: v
release_suffix: -testing

Trouble shooting

When first running mr_bump, if you are alreading using something similar to the workflow mr_bump enforces but without tagging, you may get a error saying something like

Couldn't detect the version of the master branch. At least one tagged version with version less than the current release version (10.19.0) needs to exist

This can be fixed by tagging the last major release. As an example, for the above a command like the following will fix this.

git tag 10.18.0 e30afcd

The tagged commit needs to be an ancestor of master's head