
Collect and analyze NYC subway data from GTFS real-time feeds

MIT License


NYC Subway Data

A Rails app to collect data from the MTA's real-time data feeds. Additional SQL and R analysis scripts/instructions are included in the analysis/ subfolder.

Code used in support of the post Using Countdown Clock Data to Understand the New York City Subway


Assumes Ruby, Rails, and PostgreSQL are all installed

  1. Register for an MTA API key at
  2. Copy the .sample.env file to .env in the project root, and edit it to set the MTA_KEY to the key you just obtained
  3. bundle exec rake db:setup will create a database and populate it with the MTA's static GTFS data, which is downloaded automatically from

Optionally, add PROCESS_OBSERVATIONS_AFTER_CREATE=true to the .env file if you want to process observations automatically after they are created. This is recommended in development, but you might not want to do it in production as it will cause your database's size to grow very quickly.

Record data on a cron

You need to run 2 processes to record data:

  • bundle exec clockwork clock.rb
  • bundle exec rake jobs:work

The clock process queues up jobs every minute to ping the MTA's feeds, and the worker process makes the API requests and does the data processing. You can also run a single Foreman process with bundle exec foreman start -f Procfile.clockplusworker, which works on a $7 per month Heroku hobby dyno.

Data structure

For an overview, check out:

The API responses are stored as JSON in the realtime_feed_observations table. When a realtime observation is "processed", it is broken out into the realtime_trips, stop_time_updates, and vehicle_positions tables.

realtime_trips is supposed to contain one row for each unique train. In practice it probably overcounts trains, as the data is generally unreliable, trains don't have canonical IDs, and the various identifiers they do have sometimes change from minute to minute. The MTA GTFS-realtime reference provides guidance on determining unique trains, but I used my own logic in the RealtimeFeedObservation#find_or_create_realtime_trip_from_entity method. Note that at analysis time, I attempted to merge duplicate records in the realtime_trips table, see analysis/merge_trips.sql. Also note that the MTA has a list of scheduled trips—populated in the scheduled_trips table—but the actual trips that show up in the realtime_trips table usually do not share IDs with the scheduled_trips records.

The stop_time_updates table includes, for each observed train, a list of its upcoming stops and their estimated arrival/departure times. This appears to be the information used on the subway platform countdown clocks.

The vehicle_positions table is supposed to include an estimate of each train's location at each observation time, but unfortunately in most cases the MTA does not provide the stop ID, only the stop sequence, and as far as I can tell there's no way to know for sure how to map from stop sequences to stop IDs. It's true that most trips from the same line have the same stop sequences, but there are enough cases where the total number of stops differ that it seemed like a bad idea to assume anything, which is why I used stop_time_updates to estimate actual stop times instead of vehicle_positions. It'd be nice if the MTA could supply stop IDs in their vehicle position entities...


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