
Sometimes it works; and, sometimes it doesn't.

OTHER License



We all make mistakes occasionally. Your code should be allowed to as well. I don't mean the bugs/defects that you occasionally let loose by accident. I mean on purpose. Doesn't it feel sometimes like your code is out to get you, or is it just me? Maybe it is.

ocassionally it works; and, ocassionally it doesn't. Why should your program work the same way every time? You don't. That is boring. Add some spice to your code. Make debugging it harder. Model real-world things with fuzzy conditionals.

Conditional blocks of the 'if' and 'unless' are so black-and-white. Add some color to your code with ocassionally.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ocassionally'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ocassionally


require 'ocassionally'
include Ocassionally

# Default: default is 25% of the time test the conditional
ocassionally(some_conditional) do
  # interesting things

# Check the conditional 75% of the time
ocassionally(75, some_conditional) do
  # surprising things

# Is some_conditional too expensive to execute all the time?
# Only execute it ocassionally.
ocassionally(25, "some_conditional") do
  # unexpected things

ocassionally("sleep(5)") { puts "Sorry I was sleeping.  What do you want?" }

The order of the two parameters does not matter. The default for the rate is 25% the default for the conditional is true. So that means you can also do this:

ocassionally do
  # weird things a quarter of the time

ocassionally(95) do
  # weird things most of the time

If you get tired of ocassionally doing things. Try doing them #sometimes, #seldom, #often, #very_often, #every_time or #never.

If you don't like the simplistic #__probability_function(rate) then over-ride it with your own. Its Ruby. Its your play ground.

Take a look at this other gem

I originally called this library maybe; but, that got co-opted by folks who can't handle nil. Then I called it sometimes; but, someone else already had that gem name which does something similar. Take a look at this one:



  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/ocassionally/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request