


Link to live site

What the live app looks like

Getting starting

bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails server

Navigate to localhost:3000

log in as any user IE:

username: [email protected] password: foobar

These users also exist in the real app to play around with


I created an issue of how I solved POSTGRES issues in UBUNTU

OdinProject Task list

  • Use Postgresql for your database from the beginning (not sqlite3), that way your deployment to Heroku will go much more smoothly. See the Heroku Docs for setup info.
  • Users must sign in to see anything except the sign in page.
  • User sign-in should use the Devise gem. Devise gives you all sorts of helpful methods so you no longer have to write your own user passwords, sessions, and #current_user methods. See the Railscast (which uses Rails 3) for a step-by-step introduction. The docs will be fully current.
  • Users can send Friend Requests to other Users.
  • A User must accept the Friend Request to become friends.
  • The Friend Request shows up in the notifications section of a User’s navbar.
    • In app notifications are handled via AJAX requests to the
      /notifications.json path. Requests made every 10 seconds.
      Requests are disabled while using the dropdown, dropdowns make an automatic AJAX
      post request to /notifications/mark_as_read when clicked
      Dropdowns and AJAX requests made with jQuery. No bootstrap used.
  • Users can create Posts (text only to start).
  • Users can Like Posts.
    • Liking posts handled via AJAX
  • Users can Comment on Posts.
    • I also added the ability to comment on comments. using AJAX with this caused significant complexity.
  • Posts should always display with the post content, author, comments and likes.
  • Treat the Posts Index page like the real Facebook’s “Timeline” feature – show all the recent posts from the current user and users she is friends with.
  • Users can create a Profile with a Photo (just start by using the Gravatar image like you did in the Rails Tutorial).
  • The User Show page contains their Profile information, photo, and Posts.
  • The Users Index page lists all users and buttons for sending Friend Requests to those who are not already friends or who don’t already have a pending request.
  • Sign in should use Omniauth to allow a user to sign in with their real Facebook account. See the RailsCast on FB authentication with Devise for a step-by-step look at how it works.
  • Set up a mailer to send a welcome email when a new user signs up. Use the letter_opener gem (see docs here) to test it in development mode.
  • Deploy your App to Heroku.
  • Set up the SendGrid add-on and start sending real emails. It’s free for low usage tiers.

Extra Credit

  • Make posts also allow images (either just via a URL or, more complicated, by uploading one).
    • Not implemented due to free trial of AWS running out, could implement via URL technically
  • Use the Active Storage to allow users to upload a photo to their profile.
    • Not implemented due to free trial of AWS running out
  • Make your post able to be either a text OR a photo by using a polymorphic association (so users can still like or comment on it while being none-the-wiser).
    • Associations in place via commentable & likeable, however not implemented
  • Style it up nicely! We’ll dive into HTML/CSS in the next course.
    • Its styled, just not responsive