
NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: THIS GEM IS NOT MAINTAINED AND IS PRETTY CRAPPY!...A ruby gem for mirroring data from oracle to a mysql db.



A fast, minimal, debuggable Ruby wrapper for sqlplus and mysql binary's that pulls data out of an Oracle database and inserts it into MySQL.

Please contact us via github if you have interest in using this tool, though it works great for us, it's rough around the edges with regard to installation. If we know of folks who want to use it/contribute we'll make a point of cleaning things up and pushing to github more regularly.

System Dependencies

  • POpen4 gem
  • mysql gem
  • sqlplus binary in $PATH
  • mysql binary in $PATH


class TheMagicMirrorer
  include OracleToMysql

  def otm_source_sql
       col || CHR(9) ||
       col || CHR(9) ||
     from table
     where ... Oracle statement"

  def otm_target_table

  def otm_target_sql
    "create table if not exists #{self.otm_target_table} (... mysql statement   "

x =

Will mirror the contents of otm_source_sql into the table created by otm_target_sql. The "|| CHR(9) ||" is Oracle sql code that tab deliminates the column content in the spooled sqlplus SQL data output. The Mysql "load data infile" command eats this output.

If you are using with Rails, it expects database.yml to have oracle_source and mysql_target entries to get the db connect info, to override the names

TODO: More usage examples for the config options below

Configuration Options

Mirror Strategies

:atomic_rename (Default) "load data infile" the spooled oracle tab deliminted data into a temp table first then atomically rename current_target_table -> old_target_table AND new_temp_table -> new_target_table :accumulative "load data infile" directly into target_table replacing any existing rows in target when source data triggers "ON DUPLICATE KEY"

Target Table Retention

Determines how many mysql target tables should be preserved. By default it just keeps yesterdays


Running Tests

TODO: Integrate Chris's more general and not brittle test cases

The "tests" aka demo's assume you have a ps_term_tbl in your Oracle db. If you're running PeopleSoft at a University you'll probably have this... Otherwise, the tests won't run, it's just meant as an example that works in our world.

You'll need the thoughtbot-shoulda gem if you want to develop/hack on this gem or run the tests

To run tests: cd test ruby test_oracle_to_mysql_against_ps_term_tbl.rb OR irb -r test_oracle_to_mysql_against_ps_term_tbl.rb

And monkey with the run time...all files in test/demo are loaded, you can tinker with them

This assumes you have a connection file in the test dir: oracle_to_mysql.yml copy and populate from oracle_to_mysql.example.yml


  • Make a more general testing suite
  • Re-release gem so the dependenies work: Should be able to do gem install oracle_to_mysql
    and have things actually work
  • retention policy of 0: don't keep yesterdays data (aka don't create *_old table in mysql)
  • retention policy > 1: keep N mysql table copies around

Known Issues

  • Gem packaging is not correct...cumbersome
  • Since source data is written to disk a tab delimintated file, if the source oracle data contains a \t character in might mess things up (none of our data has tabs so we haven't had problems)
  • Add validations/checks for stuff in validate_otm_source_sql in write_sqlplus_commands_to_file.rb if you encounter goofy sqlplus errors
    Things that are not easily programmatically detectable ought just have an inline note i suppose
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