
A replacement for Ruby's builtin Pathname, which is unbearably slow

MIT License


= pathname3

This library is a replacement for the venerable pathname and pathname2 libraries.

The original implementation of pathname is extremely slow, and instantiates extreme numbers of objects for relatively simple operations. Twenty or so Pathname instantiations on some method calls is relatively common.

An implementation by Daniel J. Berger, pathname2, improved on the original significantly, adding Windows support, a Facade implementation, and a String- based implementation. While his version is faster, it's still very slow at instantiation. And its Facade implementation misses some odd case methods like Pathname#join.

This version will focus on being fast and lightweight, while still being pure Ruby. Windows support will be forthcoming once I have access to a Windows development machine. Until then, patches adding Windows compatibility are welcome.

== Installation

You can install pathname3 through Rubygems. The gem is hosted on GitHub, and can be installed via

$ sudo gem install --source stouset-pathname3

== Usage

require 'pathname3'

p = '/foo'.to_path # => "/foo" p.absolute? # => false p.relative? # => true p.exists? # => false

p = p.absolute # => "/Users/stouset/foo" p.absolute? # => true p.relative? # => false p.relative_path_from('/Users') # => "stouset/foo" p.relative_path_from('/Library') # => "../Users/stouset/foo" p.split # => ["/Users/stouset", "foo"] p.touch # => "/Users/stouset/foo" p.ctime # => Thu Jun 05 14:00:01 -0400 2008 p.delete # => true

== Contribution

The pathname3 project is hosted on GitHub.

To clone the repository, simply run:

git clone git://

== License

pathname3 is available under the MIT license.

:include: LICENSE