
A demo project management app


Let's Build: With Ruby on Rails - Project Management App

Welcome to my next installment to the ongoing series called "Let's Build: With Ruby on Rails". This 10-part series will cover building a project management type of application from the ground up.

Similar to the previous installments I'll dive a bit further into more technical aspects of Ruby on Rails. We'll discuss things such as nested attributes, model relations, and getting a little fancy with forms using Vue.js.

As prerequisite, I recommend following at least one of the previous parts of the "Let's Build: With Ruby on Rails" series. These will help explain some foundational concepts of which I may skim over in this series. You can find those below:

What are we building? Projekt

For lack of a better name, I titled the app of this series Projekt. The goal of the app is to be a home for any amount of projects(think Basecamp but much more stripped down). A project lives within a team and can have as many users as necessary. A user can only belong to one team at a time (this is a small side-effect of the Devise gem. Ultimately, we'd want to extend this to allow a single user to belong to multiple teams.)

The app will have 3 overlying models/relationships to tie together each other as we press forward but I'll outline the "wants" below:

  1. A User can create a project if they belong to a team.
  2. Creating a team assigns both your own account plus those you invite to a team.
  3. Projects require a team in order to be created.

The tech stack

I think it's pretty obvious we'll be using Ruby on Rails in this series. On top of Rails I wanted to approach our app with a little more modern of a mindset set. Much of the interactivity I introduce has Vue.js to think. In our Teams model for example I implement a form with nested user attributes. The end goal is to create a team and invite new users to the team all at once. Nested attributes and Vue.js make this a very fluid process.

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