
Manage user and group limits via Puppet

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puppet-limits CI

Manage user and group limits via Puppet

This module manages the limits of the PAM module pam_limits.

It creates files in /etc/security/limits.d and optionally manages the file /etc/security/limits.conf

How to use

Set limits using title pattern:

      hard => 1048576,
      soft => 1048576,
    limits::limits{'root/nofile': both => 1048576; }


  • purge_limits_d_dir (Boolean, default: true) Whether or not to purge the limits.d directory
  • manage_limits_d_dir (Boolean, default: true) Whether or not to manage the limits.d directory
  • manage_limits_file (Boolean, default: false) Whether or not to manage the /etc/security/limits.conf file.
  • limits_file (String, default: /etc/security/limits.conf) The name of the limits file to be managed.
  • limits_dir: (String) The location of the limits.d directory
  • limits_file_owner: (String, default: root) The owner of the ${limits_file} file.
  • limits_file_group: (String, default: root) The group of the ${limits_file} file.
  • limits_file_mode: (String, defaul: '0644') The file mode of the ${limits_file} file.
  • entries: (Hash) A hash of limits entries, keys should be the name and the value as a hash made up of;
    • ensure: (String, default present) Values can be absent or present
    • user: (String) The user that the limit applies to
    • limit_type (String) The limit type
    • hard: (Integer) the hard value
    • soft: (Integer) the soft value
    • both: (Integer) the value of both soft and hard
    • target: (String) Optional name of file in limits_dir to set limit settings to. Will ignore other file naming logic when provided.

Using hiera


    include ::limits


        both: 1048576
        both: unlimited


Puppet 4.9+

This module is compatible with Puppet 4.9+, and Puppet 5.0+

Puppet 4.0 - 4.8

To use this module with previous versions of Puppet 4 (prior to Hiera 5) you should update your Hiera data to include the following

limits::limits_dir: /etc/security/limits.d

    merge: deep

Purge limits.d directory

The class limits will purge the limits.d directory by default. You can explicit change this with the parameter purge_limits_d_dir

	class { 'limits': }

    limits::limits { 'username_nofile':
      ensure     => present,
      user       => 'username',
      limit_type => 'nofile',
      hard       => 16384,
      soft       => 16384,

Do NOT purge limits.d directory explicitly

    class { 'limits':
      purge_limits_d_dir => false,

    limits::limits { 'username_nofile':
      ensure     => present,
      user       => 'username',
      limit_type => 'nofile',
      hard       => 16384,

Set both limit types in one line

    limits::limits { 'username_nofile':
      ensure     => present,
      user       => 'username',
      limit_type => 'nofile',
      both       => 16384,

One of hard, soft or both must be set!

Do not manage /etc/security/limits.d

In an effort to make this module compatible with similar modules, e.g. puppet-module-pam, management of /etc/security/limits.d can be disabled by the manage_limits_d_dir class parameter:

class { 'limits':
  manage_limits_d_dir => false,