
Check that your Puppet manifests conform to the style guide

MIT License

puppet-lint - 2.3.3 Latest Release

Published by rodjek about 7 years ago

puppet-lint -

Published by rnelson0 about 7 years ago

puppet-lint - 2.3.1

Published by rodjek about 7 years ago

puppet-lint - 2.2.1

Published by rodjek over 7 years ago

puppet-lint - 2.2.0

Published by rodjek over 7 years ago

puppet-lint - 2.1.0

Published by rnelson0 almost 8 years ago

Final minor version supporting Ruby 1.8.7 and Puppet 3.

puppet-lint -

Published by rnelson0 about 8 years ago

puppet-lint -

Published by rnelson0 about 8 years ago

puppet-lint - 2.0.0

Published by rnelson0 over 8 years ago

New Features

  • Our first new release in over a year! You can now source puppet-lint 2.0.0 from rubygems rather than pointing directly at git for the latest fixes. If you develop puppet-lint checks, please update the dependency to '>=1.0', '<3.0' or similar.
  • Per the Puppet 3.7+ Style Guide (http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide.html#spacing-indentation-and-whitespace) - Module manifests should not exceed a 140-character line width. I've updated the whitespace plugin, its test, and the readme to reflect this. (#419)
  • A large number of other changes have been made since September 2014. In the future, these changes will be tracked in a CHANGELOG file (#479).
puppet-lint - 1.1.0

Published by rodjek about 10 years ago

New features

  • puppet-lint configuration can now be set in the Rake task definition, so you
    no longer have to remember arcane PuppetLint.configuration options.
  • Multiple checks can now be disabled in a single control comment.
  • The performance of the parser has been significantly improved, most
    noticably when checking large manifest files.

Bug fixes

  • unquoted_node_name check now supports multiple node names in a comma
    separated list in a single node block.
  • arrow_alignment check now will now put parameters on their own line if it
    encounters a multiline resource with multiple parameters on a line.
  • variable_scope check no longer throws false positive results when using
    the automatically created variables from metaparameters.
  • arrow_alignment check no longer destroys the parameter name when it
    encounters a parameter followed by an arrow with no whitespace between them.
  • puppet-lint no longer parses the body of the class when searching for the
    parameter tokens of an unparameterised class.
puppet-lint -

Published by rodjek about 10 years ago

New features

  • Support for using control comments to disable arbitrary tests.
  • Support for automatically fixing many common problems found with puppet-lint.
  • Added puppet_url_without_modules check to warn when puppet:// URLs are used without the path starting with modules/.
  • Rake task now reads puppet-lint configuration from puppet-lint.rc files.
  • Added unquoted_node_name check to warn when unquoted node names are found.
  • Added -c/--config option to specify a custom path to puppet-lint.rc.
  • puppet-lint will now automatically add the filename to the output if multiple files are being linted.
  • Added support for the future parsers loop syntax. Variables defined and used inside a loop-local scope will no longer throw variable_scope warnings.
  • Like URLs, long template() lines will no longer throw 80chars warnings.
  • Added support to puppet-lint to specify certain checks to run, rather than having to disable all the checks but the desired ones.
  • The arrow_alignment check now throws a warning if the arrows aren’t aligned as close to the parameter name as possible.
  • Added --relative flag which will have the autoloader_layout check ignore the top-most directory (good for cases where the module hosted publicly in a puppet- directory).

Removed features

  • Removed the class_parameter_defaults check.
  • %{linenumber} has been deprecated in the output format string and will be removed in the next major release. You should use %{line} instead.

Bug fixes

  • Added support for more recognised escape characters (\$, \", \', \r) to the double_quoted_strings check.
  • Fixed bug where running with --with-context would occasionally throw a nil offset error.
  • Added support to the lexer for the modulo (%) character.
  • Fixed bug where a class or defined type argument with a default value of a Hash would throw a false variable_scope warning.
  • Fixed bug where auditing a file mode would throw false file_mode warning.
  • Fixed bug where line endings containing a carriage return (the default for most non Unix-like systems) would throw a syntax error.
  • Fixed bug where a double quoted string containing a single quoted string would throw a false double_quoted_string warning.
  • puppet-lint will no longer throw only_variable_string warnings when using quoted variables as Hash keys.
  • Rake task now exits cleanly when errors have been found.
puppet-lint -

Published by rodjek about 10 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where array/hash access would cause a top_scope_variable false positive.
  • Fixed bug where puppet-lint would throw an exception when running the arrow_alignment check over a resource with more than one parameter and one of the parameters has an empty hash as its value.