
Prepares a Puppet Enterprise master for vRA Puppet Plugin integration


vra_puppet_plugin_prep - DEPRECATED

Note, this repo has been forked to github.com/puppetlabs and is now being maintained there.

Prepares a Puppet Enterprise master for vRA Puppet Plugin integration.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Beginning with vra_puppet_plugin_prep
  3. Usage
  4. Reference
  5. Contributors


When setting up the vRA Puppet Plugin there are some setup steps that need to be performed on the Puppet Enterprise Master. This module automates many of these, ie it ensures that:

  • a system user exists for the plugin to ssh in with
  • an api user exists for the plugin to utilise
  • sudo rules are in place for this user so the plugin can run the commands it needs to
  • autosign policy is configured (shared secret via challengePassword in the CSR)

Beginning with vra_puppet_plugin_prep

Default behaviour (including autosign configuration enabled):

include vra_puppet_plugin_prep


class { 'vra_puppet_plugin_prep':
  vro_plugin_user   => 'vro-plugin-user',
  vro_password      => 'puppetlabs',
  vro_password_hash => '$1$Fq9vkV1h$4oMRtIjjjAhi6XQVSH6.Y.',
  manage_autosign   => true,
  manage_localuser  => true,
  autosign_secret   => 'S3cr3tP@ssw0rd!',


Class: vra_puppet_plugin_prep


vro_plugin_user The username the plugin will connect to Puppet with, both via ssh, and api

Default: vro-plugin-user

vro_password The password the plugin will authenticate to the Puppet apis with.

Default: puppetlabs

vro_password_hash The hash of the password the plugin will authenticate with via ssh to the Puppet Master.

Default: $1$Fq9vkV1h$4oMRtIjjjAhi6XQVSH6.Y. ('puppetlabs')

vro_plugin_user_uid UID to create the vro-plugin-user with. Optional.

Default: undef

vro_plugin_user_gid GID to create the vro-plugin-user with. Optional.

Default: undef

manage_autosign Whether to configure autosigning with this module.

Default: True

manage_localuser Whether to configure the local user creation with this module

Default: True

autosign_secret The secret to use for autosign validation. It is placed into the challengePassword within the CSR.

Default: S3cr3tP@ssw0rd!


Thank you to Jeremy Adams and other contributors to the vRO Starter Content project, from which much of the code in this repo has been stolen.