
Ruby gem for quake log parsing

MIT License


Quake Log Parser

Ruby gem for quake log parsing.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'quake-log-parser'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install quake-log-parser

Usage - Log reader

require 'quake-log-parser'

if defined?(Rails)
  QuakeLogParser::Logger.logger = Rails.logger
  QuakeLogParser::Logger.logger = Logger.new($stdout)

parser = QuakeLogParser::LogReader.new('/path/to/your/quake.log')

puts JSON.pretty_generate(parser.results)

Usage - Emulated Kafka topic reader

All kafka topic messages must have this structure:

  "lines": [
    "content of line 01 with slashs escaped",
    "content of line 02 with slashs escaped",
    "content of line 03 with slashs escaped",

Example of message (with slashs escaped):

  "lines": [
    "0:00 InitGame: \\sv_floodProtect\\1\\sv_maxPing\\0\\sv_minPing\\0\\sv_maxRate\\10000\\sv_minRate\\0\\sv_hostname\\Code Miner Server\\g_gametype\\0\\sv_privateClients\\2\\sv_maxclients\\16\\sv_allowDownload\\0\\dmflags\\0\fraglimit\\20\\timelimit\\15\\g_maxGameClients\\0\\capturelimit\\8\\version\\ioq3 1.36 linux-x86_64 Apr 12 2009\\protocol\\68\\mapname\\q3dm17\\gamename\baseq3\\g_needpass\\0",
    "20:34 ClientUserinfoChanged: 2 n\\Isgalamido\\t\\0\\model\\xian/default\\hmodel\\xian/default\\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\\4\\c2\\5\\hc\\100\\w\\0\\l\\0\\tt\\0\\tl\\0",
    "20:54 Kill: 1022 2 22: <world> killed Isgalamido by MOD_TRIGGER_HURT",
    "21:51 ClientUserinfoChanged: 3 n\\Dono da Bola\\t\\0\\model\\sarge/krusade\\hmodel\\sarge/krusade\\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\\5\\c2\\5\\hc\\95\\w\\0\\l\\0\\tt\\0\\tl\\0",
    "22:06 Kill: 2 3 7: Isgalamido killed Dono da Bola by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH"

require 'quake-log-parser'
require 'ostruct'

if defined?(Rails)
  QuakeLogParser::Logger.logger = Rails.logger
  QuakeLogParser::Logger.logger = Logger.new($stdout)

quake_log_lines = [
  'content of line 01 with slashs escaped',
  'content of line 02 with slashs escaped',
  'content of line 03 with slashs escaped',

emulated_messages_from_kafka = [
  OpenStruct.new(payload: { 'lines' => quake_log_lines })

parser = QuakeLogParser::KafkaTopicReader.new(emulated_messages_from_kafka)

puts JSON.pretty_generate(parser.results)

Usage - Kafka producer inside Karafka console

# Enter the Karafka console with the command below:
# docker-compose up --build -d (Wait Kafka components and Karafka consumer to be ready)
# docker container exec -it quake-log-parser_kafka_consumer_1 bundle exec karafka console

# Then, open a second terminal to see logs of Karafka consumer with the command below:
# docker container logs -f quake-log-parser_kafka_consumer_1 | grep -i 'quake'

# Then, run the commands below to produce a message to a Kafka topic:

topic_name = 'quake_log_parser_topic'
key = SecureRandom.uuid
payload = {
  "lines" => [
    "0:00 InitGame: \\sv_floodProtect\\1\\sv_maxPing\\0\\sv_minPing\\0\\sv_maxRate\\10000\\sv_minRate\\0\\sv_hostname\\Code Miner Server\\g_gametype\\0\\sv_privateClients\\2\\sv_maxclients\\16\\sv_allowDownload\\0\\dmflags\\0\fraglimit\\20\\timelimit\\15\\g_maxGameClients\\0\\capturelimit\\8\\version\\ioq3 1.36 linux-x86_64 Apr 12 2009\\protocol\\68\\mapname\\q3dm17\\gamename\baseq3\\g_needpass\\0",
    "20:34 ClientUserinfoChanged: 2 n\\Isgalamido\\t\\0\\model\\xian/default\\hmodel\\xian/default\\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\\4\\c2\\5\\hc\\100\\w\\0\\l\\0\\tt\\0\\tl\\0",
    "20:54 Kill: 1022 2 22: <world> killed Isgalamido by MOD_TRIGGER_HURT",
    "21:51 ClientUserinfoChanged: 3 n\\Dono da Bola\\t\\0\\model\\sarge/krusade\\hmodel\\sarge/krusade\\g_redteam\\g_blueteam\\c1\\5\\c2\\5\\hc\\95\\w\\0\\l\\0\\tt\\0\\tl\\0",
    "22:06 Kill: 2 3 7: Isgalamido killed Dono da Bola by MOD_ROCKET_SPLASH"
producer = Karafka.producer.produce_sync(topic: topic_name, payload: payload.to_json, key: key)
Karafka.logger.info("[QuakeLogParser::KafkaTopicProducer] send_sync topic=#{topic_name} key=#{key} offset=#{producer.offset} partition=#{producer.partition} payload=#{payload}")

Execute tests/specs

To execute gem tests locally, use Docker with the commands below:

git clone https://github.com/pedrofurtado/quake-log-parser
cd quake-log-parser/
docker build -t quake-log-parser_specs .

# Then, run this command how many times you want,
# after editing local files, and so on, to get
# feedback from test suite of gem.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app/ -it quake-log-parser_specs

# Or, if you want to run a example of usage of gem,
# you can run the command below.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app/ -it quake-log-parser_specs bundle exec ruby real_example_to_run.rb


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pedrofurtado/quake-log-parser. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the quake-log-parser project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.