
Rails API starter that includes row based multitenant architecture, RLS, authentication, authorization and test framework setup.


Rails Multitenant API (WIP)

This is an opinionated Rails application designed to be used as a starter or example on how to implement a REST API with row based multitenancy and extra security by leveraging PostgreSQL's Row Level Security (RLS).

Main features

  • Row based multitenancy for data isolation (adding tenant_id to almost all tables).
  • Automatically add tenant_id to database queries using activerecord-multi-tenant.
  • A sencond layer of security for data restriction by using PostgreSQL's Row Level Security (see PG Docs). Easy policy definition, migrations and controller integration with rls_rails.
  • Email authentication using Devise Token Auth, including:
    • User registration, creation, update and deletion
    • Login and logout
    • Password reset, account confirmation
  • Permission based authorization using CanCanCan.
  • Graph API using RESTful Resources by leveraging the amazing Graphiti gem, which includes:
    • JSON:API specification (also supports JSON and XML responses)
    • Sorting
    • Pagination
    • Filtering
    • Statictics
    • Error handling
    • Side-loading and side-posting
  • Test framework setup ready for writing unit, request, resource and API tests (Rspec + Factory Bot + Faker + Shoulda Matchers + Database Cleaner + Graphiti spec helpers). Includes tests for users, roles, sessions, registrations and token validations.