
Rails 7 Front End Tooling Workshop for Rails Conf 2022



This code base is for use during the 2022 RailsConf Rails 7 Front End Tools workshop.


Preferred setup

In order to run this application, you need SQLite on your machine. The application comes with a pre-seeded SQLite database.

This application was was developed with Ruby 3.1.2, which is the recommended version of Ruby to use with Rails 7.0.x.

In order to get set up, you should do the following

  1. Clone and download this repository
  2. In the directory for this repo, make sure you are running Ruby 3.1.2
  3. run bundle install
  4. You may need to run rails tailwindcss:install
  5. Start your server by running bin/dev
  6. go to http://localhost:3000/
  7. You should see a webpage that looks like a project tracker

Much less supported Docker setup

There is also a Docker setup, which might be helpful if you don't have Ruby 3.1.2 installed. Please note that Noel will be much less likely to be able to troubleshoot Docker issues.

To use Docker:

  1. docker-compose up
  2. Wait....it will take a while before the app is running.
  3. Go to http://localhost:3000

You should be able to edit the files normally.

About the App

The app is a very simple project tracker based on my Elmer project. Its data model is simplified and there's no user model or security. The app consists of projects which are made up of cards. A card has a size (xl, lg, md, sm, xs) and a status (archived attic unstarted started done).

How to use this repo

This repo has several different branches, most of which add one piece of functionality to the main branch. Most of the branches are separate, so they do not build on each other, though there are a few cases where there is a branch that extends functionality built in an earlier branch.

The idea is that you can see small changes in isolation and choose to piece them together in your own version of the app.

To use this app, you should probably work off main and to use GitHub to browse other branches rather than jumping between branches or possibly download the repo twice, once to browse and once to work on.

I've tried to put a lot of base info in the main branch to minimize change between branches, but there still may be things that require a restart of the server or the docker container if you change branches.

The main branch is pretty much just what you get from running rails new . -a propshaft j importmap -d sqlite3 -c tailwind --skip-test plus data models and view files and support gems. Running this branch gives you a basic, no JavaScript version of the app, and most of the buttons on the main page are not functional.

If you hit http://localhost:3000, http://localhost:3000/projects, or http://localhost:3000/projects/1, they should all look something like this:

Please note that the data is all generated via Faker and a rake task in lib/tasks/sample_data.rake, run rake tracker:clear_and_create to completely delete the data and generate a new project's worth of data

The follow up branches, more or less in the order of how complicated the code is:

Branch Uses Description
edit_name_and_description turbo frames Allows you to edit the name and description of a card inline without changing pages.
detail_show_hide stimulus Allows you to show and hide the details of a card using stimulus and CSS.
add_new_card turbo stream Allows you to add a new card in the page and update the page.
forward_and_back turbo stream Move cards forward to the next status and back to a previous one without an entire page refresh.
status_show_hide stimulus Show and hide an entire status, including changing the chevron icon.
broadcast_new_card actioncable When a new card is added, broadcast that change to other browsers that might be open.
search turbo frames Search for cards based on text without a full page refresh.
search_with_autosubmit stimulus Autosubmit the search while you type.
drag_and_drop stimulus and sortable.js Drag and drop cards to change their order.
size_and_person stimulus and turbo frames Click and get a dropdown list of sizes and attached people without a page update.
search_with_recent_searches stimulus kredis turbo stream actioncable Augment the search with a list of recent searches that you can choose.