
Example of using hstore fields in Rails Admin


Rails Admin and hstore attributes

If you are using an hstore field on your model to store a hash of attributes and you want to see the attributes in Rails Admin, follow these steps.

The hstore type requires PostgreSQL or another database that supports hstore.

Live example

How to add hstore attributes

  1. Add the hstore extension with a migration

  2. Add the hstore fields to your model with a migration

  3. Add store_accessor :customizations, :default_folder, :last_search to your model

  4. (Optional) Hstore stores attributes as strings. If you want to store some boolean attributes in a hstore, you can use the StoreBoolean module.

  extend StoreBoolean
  store_accessor_boolean :preferences, :send_emails, :show_welcome, :default => false

How to show hstore attributes in Rails Admin

  1. Add a Rails Admin config section to your model
  rails_admin do
    # Show the string hstore fields
    User.stored_attributes[:customizations].each do |field|
      configure field, :text
  1. (Optional) Configure boolean attributes to show with checkboxes
  rails_admin do
    User.stored_attributes[:preferences].each do |field|
      configure field, :boolean

Boolean attributes

The boolean attributes are implemented in StoreBoolean. If you want to discuss the implementation in there, open an issue.