
RDot — GraphViz diagrams for Ruby classes


RDot — GraphViz diagrams for Ruby classes



Command-line help

Usage: rdot [options] <libs>

    --                               Stop options parsing, rest of line treated
                                       as <libs>.
                                     If it's a FIRST argument, the 'optparse'
                                       should not be loaded (include config
                                       files), no options will be parsed, all
                                       values will be default. And we can make
                                       graph of 'optparse'.
Config files:

Service options:
    -h, --help                       Show short help and exit.
    -?, --usage                      Show usage info and exit.
    -B, --about                      Show about string and exit.
    -A, --author                     Show author and contact info and exit.
    -L, --license                    Show info about license and exit.
    -V, --version                    Show version number and exit.
    -I, --info=[info]                Show some information and exit.
                                     Argument may be comma-separated set of:
                                       about, author, license, usage, version;
                                     or one of presets:
                                       help = about + usage,
                                       info (or no argument) =
                                                    about + author + license,
                                       all = about + author + license + usage.

    -o, --output=[file]              File for output instead STDOUT.
                                       'rdot.dot' if empty.
        --stdout                     Reset output to STDOUT.

Data options:
    -p, --preload=libs               Comma-separated list of preloading
                                       libraries which must be hidden.
    -i, --load, --input=libs         Comma-separated list of libraries
                                       which must be loaded and visualized.
    -l, --libs, --search-path=paths  Comma-separated list of paths where search
                                       for libs by load and preload.

    -e, --[no-]exclude-classes=list  Comma-separated list of classes which
                                       should be ignored with their descendants.
    -xlist,                          Comma-separated list of modules which
        --[no-]exclude-namespaces      should be ignored with their namespace.
                                     RDot, Gem, Errno & OptionParser by default,
                                       use '--no-exclude-namespaces' to reset.
        --[no-]exclude-files=list    Comma-separated list of files & wildcards
                                       their methods should by ingnored.
                                     Currect RDot location excluding by default,
                                       use '--no-exclude-files' to reset.
    -c, --[no-]filter-classes=list   Comma separated list of classes which only
                                       should be visualized (with descendants).
    -nlist,                          Comma-separated list of modules which only
        --[no-]filter-namespaces       should be visualized (with nested).
        --[no-]filter-global         Filter classes and modules only in global
        --[no-]filter-files=list     Comma-separated list of files & wildcards
                                       their methods only should by processed.

Diagram options:
    -C, --[no-]hide-constants        Ignore constants in classes & modules.
    -M, --[no-]hide-methods          Ignore methods & attributes.
    -G, --[no-]hide-arguments        Don't show methods' arguments.
    -X, --[no-]hide-included         Don't show 'include' links.
    -E, --[no-]hide-extended         Don't show 'extend' links.
    -N, --[no-]hide-nested           Don't show nesting links

    -S, --[no-]show-private          Show private & protected methods.
    -s, --[no-]show-protected        Show protected methods.
    -P, --[no-]show-preloaded        Show preloaded classes & modules.

        --[no-]select-attributes     Show attributes with access rights
                                       instead getters & setters as methods.
                                     True by default.

Graph options:
    -T, --title=title                Graph title.
                                       'RDot Graph' by default.

        --title-font=name            Font name for the graph title.
                                       'sans-serif' by default.
        --title-size=size            Font size for the graph title (pt).
                                       24 by default.
        --font=name                  Font name for main text.
                                       'monospace' by default.
        --font-size=size             Font size for main text (pt).
                                       9 by default.

        --graph-splines=mode         Edges form in graph.
                                       'spline' by default.
  May be RGB value or name from X11 scheme,
  see http://graphviz.org/content/color-names#x11.
        --color-class=color          Background color of class title.
                                       #BBFFBB by default.
                                     Background color of preloaded class title.
                                       #CCEECC by default.
        --color-class-core=color     Background color of core class title.
                                       #DDFF99 by default.
        --color-exception=color      Background color of exception title.
                                       #FFBBBB by default.
                                     Background color of preloaded exception
                                       #EECCCC by default.
        --color-exception-core=color Background color of core exception title.
                                       #FFDD99 by default.
        --color-module=color         Background color of module title.
                                       #BBBBFF by default.
                                     Background color of preloaded module title.
                                       #CCCCEE by default.
        --color-modude-core=color    Background color of core modude title.
                                       #DDDDFF by default.
        --color-protected=color      Background color for protected methods.
                                       #EEEEEE by default.
        --color-private=color        Background color for private methods.
                                       #DDDDDD by default.
        --color-inherited=color      Color for inheritance links.
                                       #0000FF by default.
        --color-included=color       Color for 'include' links.
                                       #00AAFF by default.
        --color-extended=color       Color for 'extend' links.
                                       #AA00FF by default.
        --color-nested=color         Color for nesting links.
                                       #EEEEEE by default.
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