
Simple utility for parsing durations from strings and comparing them. Basic math is also supported.

MIT License



Provides simple (somewhat naive) Duration parsing from strings. Allows you to compare and modify durations.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rduration', :require => 'duration'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rduration


duration_spec.rb has more details about the types of strings this can handle, but here's brief overview:

a = Duration.new("01:46:00")
b = Duration.new("25 minutes 17 seconds")
a > b # => true
a - b # => #<Duration:2164349940 @raw="4843">
[b, a].sort # => [a, b]

b.to_clock_format # => "25:17"

If you require 'duration/string_ext' then strings gain a new method: #to_duration

"35m 5s".to_duration # => NoMethodError: undefined method `to_duration' for "35m 5s":String

require 'duration/string_ext'
"35m 5s".to_duration # => #<Duration:2151903540 @raw="35m 5s">

# once you've done this, the arithmetic and comparison stuff works too
"35m 5s".to_duration > "10m" # => true
"35m 5s".to_duration > "50m" # => false
"35m 5s".to_duration + "10m" # => #<Duration:2156162420 @raw="2705">


Here's a list of formats that will parse:

    parses "0" as 0 seconds
    parses "00:00" as 0 seconds
    parses "0 seconds" as 0 seconds
    parses nil as 0 seconds
    parses "45s" as 45 seconds
    parses "45 seconds" as 45 seconds
    parses "00:00:45" as 45 seconds
    parses "45" as 45 seconds
    parses "137s" as 137 seconds
    parses "2m17s" as 137 seconds
    parses "2 minutes 17 seconds" as 137 seconds
    parses "02:17" as 137 seconds
    parses "2:17" as 137 seconds
    parses "1h32m07s" as 5527 seconds
    parses "1:32:07" as 5527 seconds
    parses "92 minutes and 7 seconds" as 5527 seconds
    parses "3d10h15m" as 296100 seconds
    parses "3:10:15:00" as 296100 seconds
    parses "82 hours 15 minutes" as 296100 seconds

Interesting Methods

  • #to_clock_format leverages #to_s's newfound proc handling powers to format the output. Speaking of...
  • #to_s takes a proc, and yields the duration in seconds to it. This is useful for output.


  • v0.0.2 Speling And Hashify
    • Corrected spelling (thanks @czarneckiD) and killed an extraneous method.
  • v0.0.1 Hello World
    • Handles all of my use cases. Could be better at everything, though :).

Contributors (Thanks!)


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Copyright (c) 2012 Matt Wilson. See LICENSE for details, but it's MIT.