
🔃 Simple wrapper to filter array using Ruby and simple predicate conditions

MIT License



Because in sometimes, we need filter array passing conditions. This gem simplify this work.


Version Documentation

Table of Contents


kind branch ruby
unreleased main >= 2.5.8, <= 3.1.x


Use bundle

bundle add recollect-array

or add this line to your application's Gemfile.

gem 'recollect-array'

and then, require module

require 'recollect/array'


Without configuration, because we use only Ruby.

Availables Predicates for all values

Type Suffix Value
Equal eq Anywhere
NotEqual noteq Anywhere
Contains cont Anywhere
NotContains notcont Anywhere
Included in Anywhere
NotIncluded notin Anywhere
Start start Anywhere
NotStart notstart Anywhere
End end Anywhere
NotEnd notend Anywhere
LessThan lt Anywhere
LessThanEqual lteq Anywhere
GreaterThan gt Anywhere
GreaterThanEqual gteq Anywhere

Availables Predicates only when value is Hash

Below predicates works only when value is Hash

Type Suffix Value
NotEqual not_eq Hash
NotContains not_cont Hash
NotIncluded not_in Hash
NotStart not_start Hash
NotEnd not_end Hash


data = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'Test #1',
    email: '[email protected]',
    schedule: { all_day: true },
    numbers: %w[1 2],
    active: true,
    count: 9
    id: 2,
    name: 'Test #2',
    email: '[email protected]',
    schedule: { all_day: false },
    numbers: %w[3 4],
    active: true,
    count: 10
    id: 3,
    name: 'Test #3',
    email: '[email protected]',
    schedule: { all_day: false },
    numbers: %w[5 6],
    active: false,
    count: 99

You can use one or multiples predicates in your filter. We see some use cases.

Flexible Use Case (Hash)


filters = {
  active: {
    eq: true

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)


filters = {
  active: {
    # noteq or not_eq
    not_eq: true

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

Nested Hash Paths

filters = {
  'schedule.all_day': {
    eq: true

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

Nested Array Paths

Note the .0

filters = {
  'numbers.0': {
    eq: '3'

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)
filters = {
  numbers: {
    in: '3' # or in: ['3']

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

Using default Equal predicate.

Recollect::Array.filter(data, numbers: 3)

Recollect::Array.filter(data, active: true)

Recollect::Array.filter(data, id: 3)

If array, you can navigate into self, using

data = [
    schedules: [
        opened: true,
        all_day: true
        opened: false,
        all_day: true
    schedules: [
        opened: false,
        all_day: true
        opened: false,
        all_day: true

filters = {
  'schedules.0.opened': {
    eq: true

# OR

filters = {
  'schedules[0]opened': {
    eq: true

# OR

filters = {
  'schedules.[0].opened': {
    eq: true

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

# [{ schedules: [{ opened: true, all_day: true }, { opened: false, all_day: true }] }]

Amazing, you can pass a Callable value as value, like this.

filters = {
  'schedules.[0].opened': {
    eq: -> { true }

# OR a Module

module ActiveTruthy
  def = true

module NumbersAvailable
  def = %w[1 2]

filters = {
  'schedules.[0].opened': {
    eq: ActiveTruthy
  numbers: {
    in: NumbersAvailable

# OR a Class

class ActiveFalsey
  def = false

filters = {
  'schedules.[0].opened': {
    eq: ActiveFalsey

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

Combine conditions

Yes, you can combine one or multiple predicates to filter you array.

filters = {
  active: { eq: true },
  numbers: {
    in: %w[5],
    not_in: '10'
  email: {
    cont: 'email1',
    not_cont: '@gmail'
  'schedule.all_day': {
    in: [true, false]

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

Querystring Use Case


filters = { active_eq: true }

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)


filters = { active_noteq: true }

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

Nested Hash Paths

filters = { 'schedule.all_day_eq': false }

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

Nested Array Paths

Note the .0

filters = { 'numbers.0_eq': '3' }

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)
filters = { numbers_in: ['1'] }

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

expect(collection.size).to eq(1)

Combine conditions

Yes, you can combine one or multiple predicates to filter you array.

filters = {
  active_noteq: true,
  numbers_in: %w[5],
  email_cont: 'test3',
  'schedule.all_day_eq': false

collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

Receive querystring in your route

Like Ransack, imagine that you receive an querystring and you want to filter your Array. So, you can to do something like this.

But security is your responsability, ok? Let's go!

# receive querystring in your route
querystring = "active_noteq=true&numbers_in=5&email_cont=test3&schedule.all_day_eq=false"

# parse querystring and transform to Hash
params = URI.decode_www_form(querystring).to_h

# filter your collection using params directly.
collection = Recollect::Array.filter(data, filters)

# Beautiful, right? 


Recollect::Hashie.get(hash, path)

user = {
  id: 1,
  name: 'Test #1',
  email: '[email protected]',
  schedule: { all_day: true },
  numbers: %w[1 2],
  active: true,
  count: 9

result = Recollect::Hashie.get(user, 'id')
-> 1

result = Recollect::Hashie.get(user, 'schedule.all_day')
-> true

result = Recollect::Hashie.get(user, 'numbers')
-> ['1', '2']

result = Recollect::Hashie.get(user, 'numbers.0')
-> 1

result = Recollect::Hashie.get(user, 'numbers[0]')
-> 1

result = Recollect::Hashie.get(user, 'numbers[0][1]')

result = Recollect::Hashie.get(user, 'numbers.[0].[1]')

Recollect::Array.pluck(array, path)

users = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'Test #1',
    email: '[email protected]',
    schedule: { all_day: true },
    numbers: %w[1 2],
    active: true,
    count: 9
    id: 2,
    name: 'Test #1',
    email: '[email protected]',
    schedule: { all_day: true },
    numbers: %w[1 2],
    active: true,
    count: 9

result = Recollect::Array.pluck(users, 'id')
$ -> [1, 2]

result = Recollect::Array.pluck(users, 'schedule.all_day')
$ -> [true, true]

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After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.