
Advanced syntax highlighting for Redmine source code repositories (using Ultraviolet, which is based on Textmate syntax files).

OTHER License


= redmine_ultraviolet

A Redmine plugin that replaces the repository's default syntax highlighting engine (CodeRay) with a nicer one (Ultraviolet).

Ultraviolet uses Textmate's syntax highlighting files, so it supports every language under the sun. And it has lots of themes!

= Installation:

First, install Oniguruma (advanced regular expression support):

Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install libonig-dev

OSX (with Brew): brew install oniguruma

Windows: gem install oniguruma

Next, install the Ultraviolet gem:

gem install ultraviolet

And finally, use Rails' handy-dandy plugin installer to grab this plugin:

script/plugin install git://

Alternatively, you can just get a copy of it and copy the redmine_ultraviolet directory into vendor/plugins/

= Themes:

The highlighter's default colour scheme ("theme") is currently {pastels_on_dark}[].

Each user can change the colour scheme by going to "My account" and picking the theme from the dropdown list. (See {this handy page of what the themes actually look like}[] to pick a good one.)

= Supported Languages:

  • ASP
  • ASP vb.NET
  • ActionScript
  • Active4D
  • Active4D Config
  • Active4D Library
  • Ada
  • Apache
  • AppleScript
  • BibTeX
  • Blog — HTML
  • Blog — Markdown
  • Blog — Text
  • Blog — Textile
  • Bulletin Board
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • CM
  • CSS
  • CSS v3 beta
  • CSV
  • Cake
  • ColdFusion
  • Context Free
  • D
  • Diff
  • DokuWiki
  • Doxygen
  • Dylan
  • Eiffel
  • Erlang
  • F-Script
  • FXScript
  • Fortran
  • GTD
  • GTDalt
  • Graphviz (DOT)
  • Greasemonkey
  • Gri
  • Groovy
  • HTML
  • HTML (ASP)
  • HTML (
  • HTML (Active4D)
  • HTML (Django)
  • HTML (Mason)
  • HTML (Rails)
  • HTML (Tcl)
  • Haml
  • Haskell
  • Inform
  • Ini
  • Installer Distribution Script
  • Io
  • JSON
  • Java
  • Java Properties
  • JavaScript
  • Javascript YUI
  • LaTeX
  • LaTeX Beamer
  • LaTeX Log
  • LaTeX Memoir
  • Language Grammar
  • Lex/Flex
  • Lighttpd
  • Lilypond
  • Lisp
  • Literate Haskell
  • Logo
  • Logtalk
  • Lua
  • MEL
  • MIPS Assembler
  • MacPorts Portfile
  • Mail
  • Makefile
  • Man
  • Markdown
  • Mediawiki
  • Modula-3
  • MoinMoin
  • MooTools
  • Movable Type
  • MultiMarkdown
  • NAnt Build File
  • OCaml
  • OCamllex
  • OCamlyacc
  • Objective-C
  • Objective-C++
  • OpenGL
  • PHP
  • Pascal
  • Perl
  • Plain Text
  • PmWiki
  • Postscript
  • Processing
  • Prolog
  • Property List
  • Prototype & (JavaScript)
  • Prototype & (JavaScript) Bracketed
  • Python
  • Python (Django)
  • Qt C++
  • Quake Style .cfg
  • R
  • R Console
  • Ragel
  • Rd (R Documentation)
  • Regular Expression
  • Regular Expressions (Oniguruma)
  • Regular Expressions (Python)
  • Release Notes
  • Remind
  • Rez
  • Ruby
  • Ruby Experimental
  • Ruby on Rails
  • S5 Slide Show
  • SQL
  • SQL (Rails)
  • SSH Config
  • SWIG
  • SWeave
  • Scheme
  • Scilab
  • Setext
  • Shell Script (Bash)
  • Slate
  • Smarty
  • Standard ML
  • Strings File
  • TSV
  • Tcl
  • TeX
  • TeX Math
  • Template Toolkit
  • Textile
  • Twiki
  • Txt2tags
  • Vectorscript
  • XHTML 1.0 Strict
  • XML
  • XML strict
  • XSL
  • YAML
  • camlp4
  • iCalendar
  • jQuery (JavaScript)
  • mod_perl
  • qmake Project file
  • reStructuredText

= Authors:

  • Originally by Chris Gahan ({epitron}[]) (2009-2011)
  • Contributions by Andy Bailey ({neosonic}[]) (2010)
  • Contributions by Daniel Exner ({DeX77}[]) (2011)

= License:

Licensed under the WTFPL. See LICENSE for details.