
Implements an email alert system when issues have not been updated in the last X days

OTHER License


= Redmine Whining

This plugin provides email alerts when an issue had not been updated since X days.


  • Emmanuel Bretelle aka chantra <chantra_-AT-debuntu-DOT-_org>


For the complete changelog see the CHANGELOG file in the Redmine Whining plugin directory.

==Latest stable release

The currently available, latest stable release of the plugin is version 0.0.4.


This rake job can be used to make sure that a ticket does not get forgotten about by emailing the owner of a ticket when tickets are active and have not been updated since a certain amount of days.


This plugin is compatible with Redmine 0.8.x as well as with the current Redmine trunk.


URL of the GitHub repository:

The source of this plugin can be "cloned" from the GitHub-repo using:

$ cd {RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins && git clone git://



Create a cron job with a line similar to this: 0 7 * * 1,2,3,4,5 www-data cd /path/to/redmine && /usr/bin/rake redmine:send_whining days=7 RAILS_ENV="production"


  • Backup the currently deployed Whining plugin (cp -r /vendor/plugins/redmine_whining /path/to/some/folders/redmine_whining-backup)
  • Update the plugin using git pull


  • Remove the directory "redmine_whining" from the plugin-directory "../vendor/plugins"
  • Remove the cronjob entry


This plugin is open-source and licensed under the "GNU General Public License v2" (GPL, See the included GPL.txt and LICENSE.txt files for details.

  • (C)2009, Emmanuel Bretelle aka chantra


If you would like to report a bug or request a new feature you can:

You can also post your feedback about the plugin in the dedicated plugin-section of the Redmine forums (

As an alternative you can also join the #redmine channel on the "freenode IRC network" ( to see if there is anyone who can provide some support.

== Thanks

Please see THANKS.txt

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