
Microverse Final Capstone

MIT License


Rental Cars Back-End

In this project we worked on backend part of the final capstone to create restful API endpoints that we are consuming in this react app for the front-end part.


Getting Started

To run the project locally, copy up and running follow these simple example steps :

  • First of all make sure you have both Ruby & Rails installed in your machine
    (else You can install Rails just with this simple command gem install rails)
  • clone the project with the following command line :
$ git clone [email protected]:Hamzaoutdoors/rentalcars_backend.git
  • Then go to the right folder
$ cd rentalcars_backend
$ bundle

make sure the database is up and running.

$ rails db:create

When you will add migration file then, you can add command like

$ rails db:migrate

last but not least, run the db/seed.rb file

$ rails db:seed


  • Run the test with the following command
$ rspec spec
  • Run rspec spec/name_of_test_file.rb to run a specific test file

Built With

  • Ruby on RAils
  • PostgreSQL
  • Rswag


Kanban Board

  • Click here Kanban Board to see the kanban board of our project
  • We are four people was working on this project and every day we are adding new features to it using cards on the kanban board.


👤 Laylo Khodjaeva

👤 Ellaouzi Hamza

👤 Nelsino Francisco

👤 Juan Luis Gonzalez

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hats off of Murat Korkmaz for designing a beautiful, efficient, and accessible user interface.
  • Inspiration 💘
  • Microverse program ⚡
  • My standup team 😍
  • My family's support 🙌
  • MicroBros 😜

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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