
A GitHub contributor ranking site using Jekyll, displaying commits, lines of code, and contributor details.

MIT License


GitHub Contributor Rankings

Project Overview

This project is a GitHub Contributor Ranking system built using Jekyll. It displays the top contributors of any GitHub repository, ranking them based on their number of commits and lines of code contributed. Each contributor's profile includes details such as:

  • Avatar
  • Name
  • Bio
  • Location
  • Number of followers
  • Commits
  • Lines of code

The top three contributors are highlighted in Gold, Silver, and Bronze, making the leaderboard visually appealing and rewarding to view.

Project Goals:

  1. Provide a ranking system for contributors to any GitHub repository.
  2. Display important contributor meta information in a simple and responsive UI.
  3. Use GitHub Actions to automate fetching contributor data daily, ensuring the rankings are always up to date.

Setup Instructions

1. Clone the Project

To begin, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone <repo-link>
cd <repo-directory>

2. Install Jekyll

Ensure that you have Ruby and Bundler installed. If you don't have them, install them using the following commands:

sudo apt-get install ruby-full
gem install bundler

Then, install Jekyll:

gem install jekyll bundler

3. Install Dependencies

Navigate to your project folder and install the required gems by running:

bundle install

4. Get Your GitHub Personal Access Token

This project requires a GitHub token to interact with the GitHub API. Here's how to generate one:

  1. Visit GitHub Settings.
  2. Click on Generate new token.
  3. Give the token a name and enable the following scopes:
    • repo
    • read:user
  4. Copy the generated token and store it securely.

5. Configure Your Environment

In your project, you'll need to set up the GitHub token in your environment. Create an .env file in the project directory:

touch .env

Inside the .env file, add your GitHub token like this:


6. Update the Project Configuration

In the _config.yml file, you need to update the repository information:

  - name: contributors
    src: "<user_name>/<repository_name>/contributors"
      Authorization: "token {{ site.github_token }}"

Replace <user_name> and <repository_name> with the GitHub repository's owner and name. Do the same in fetch_contributor_data.rb line 6.

7. Run the Fetch Script

To fetch contributor data, run the following command:

ruby fetch_contributor_data.rb

This will generate a _data/contributors.json file, which the Jekyll site will use to display contributor rankings.

8. Start the Jekyll Server

Now, you're ready to run the Jekyll site locally. Start the server using:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Visit http://localhost:4000/ in your browser to see the contributor rankings.

GitHub Actions Automation

This project uses GitHub Actions to automate the daily update of contributor data. The action defined in update_contributions.yml fetches new data every day at midnight UTC and commits the updated data to the repository.

To enable this:

  1. Ensure the repository is pushed to GitHub.
  2. In the GitHub repository, go to Settings > Secrets > Actions and add your GITHUB_TOKEN as a secret.

The action will run automatically according to the schedule set in the update_contributions.yml file.


This GitHub Contributor Ranking project allows you to easily configure it for any GitHub repository. It highlights key contributor data and is fully responsive with a modern design. Automated updates ensure that the data is always fresh, making it a powerful tool for tracking and showcasing contributor efforts.