
REST API for my Ember.js “Build an Ember app” screencast series

GPL-2.0 License


API for the Rock & Roll Ember.js application

A simple REST API written for the Ember.js application I'm building in my “Build an Ember app” screencast series.


Run locally

  1. Run bundle exec rake db:create_tables to create the tables in the (sqlite) database.

  2. Run bundle exec rake db:seed to insert a few artists and songs in the database.

  3. Run bundle exec rerun 'DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost/rock-and-roll rackup in the root folder of the application (where DATABASE_URL points to the database you want to connect to). That will spin up the app on port 9292 that you can check by issuing a request to http://localhost:9292. You should see something like:

    {"name":"Rock & Roll API","version":"0.1"}

If you wish to run it on another port, just append -p <port> to the above command.

Don't have ruby or don't want to bother?

No problem, the API is available on Heroku. Just direct your client application to that URL. The "official" client is set up to do that, so once you clone it, it should just work.

The database will be reset (and reseeded with a handful of artists and songs) each night, at 01:00 UTC, so you have a fresh database to start the day with.

The source code for the client-side application can be found here.

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Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Balint Erdi