
The Roda logger you've been waiting for

MIT License


Roda Enhanced Logger

A powerful logger for Roda with a few tricks up it's sleeve.

  • Coloured output per level
  • Structured output of query params
  • Tracking of database query time and count
  • Tracking of blocks which handle path segment
  • Tracing missed requests
  • Tracing all requests


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "roda-enhanced_logger"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install roda-enhanced_logger


For basic usage, simply enable through the plugin mechanism.

class App < Roda
  plugin :enhanced_logger

If you serve assets through Roda, your logs might be fairly noisy, so you can filter them.

plugin :enhanced_logger, filter: ->(path) { path.start_with?("/assets") }

By default, EnhancedLogger will attempt to filter passwords and CSRF tokens, but you can filter other fields too.

plugin :enhanced_logger, filtered_params: %w[api_key]

If there's a DB constant defined for Sequel, EnhancedLogger will automatically use it, but you can pass in a custom value if necessary.

plugin :enhanced_logger, db: Container[:db]

During development, a 404 might catch you off guard for a path that you feel should exist, so it's handy to trace missed routes to aide in debugging.

plugin :enhanced_logger, trace_missed: true

Or always trace every request.

plugin :enhanced_logger, trace_all: true


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

I love pull requests! If you fork this project and modify it, please ping me to see if your changes can be incorporated back into this project.

That said, if your feature idea is nontrivial, you should probably open an issue to discuss it before attempting a pull request.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.