

Persistence with rom-rb



  • bundle install

Getting started, writing data

  • Write a migration for an "articles" table
    • id primary key, title text, and published boolean columns
  • Create a relation (with inferred schema)
  • Create a repo for the relation
  • Create some records
    • enable create command on repo
  • Use #by_pk to read records back
  • Update some records
    • enable update comand on repo using by_pk restriction

Building queries

  • Add methods to repository to query and return multiple records
    • listing of published articles
  • Move lower-level query methods into relation
    • #published method in relation
    • update repository to use this method
    • create some articles where published is both true and false, ensure they're returned as appropriate
  • Add methods to repository to return single records
  • Create shared articles method in repository to ensure all query methods return only published articles
  • Return results as custom structs via a custom struct namespace

Reading aggregates

  • Write a migration for an associated "authors" table
    • id primary key and name text column
    • add author_id foreign key to "articles" table
  • Add a relation for the table and declare associations
    • declare belongs_to :author association in "articles" relation
  • Create a repository for authors, with "create" command enabled
  • Create author records
  • Create article records with author_id attribute filled
  • In "articles" repository, return aggregate objects including the articles' authors


  • Implement publish(author, article) in the articles repository that will use :create changeset to create a new article, mark it as published and associate with the author
  • Implement unpublish(article) in the articles repository that will use :update changeset to mark the article as not published

Further exploration...

Building queries

  • Return custom structs using map_to
  • Investigate using dry-struct to build custom struct classes with strict attribute types


  • Write tests for your repository methods
    • Use rom-factory to create records
    • Write tests to assert that repository methods return appropriate records