
A friendly place for RSpec-driven Kata to gather and teach those wanting to learn the ways of RSpec.

MIT License


TDD Kata with RSpec examples

A friendly place for RSpec-driven Kata to gather and teach those wanting to learn the ways of RSpec.

Send Kata requests to [email protected] or open an issue on the GitHub issue tracker.

I'll try screencasting if there's sufficient interest (show your interest by starring the repo or opening an issue).

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone your fork to your development machine
  3. Run bundle install to install gems specified in Gemfile
  4. Run bin/rspec fizzbuzz/fizzbuzz_spec.rb to run the FizzBuzz spec. To run other specs bin/rspec EXERCISE-NAME/SPEC-FILE.rb


  • Eliot Sykes
  • Your name here, contributions are welcome and easy! Just fork the GitHub repo, make your changes, then submit your pull request!