
Store Rubygems api keys and signing certificates securely in your macOS Keychain

MIT License


Rubygems Keychain

Store Rubygems api keys and signing certificates securely in your macOS Keychain. Works with iCloud Keychain.

Warning: This gem is in active development and should not yet be considered stable


Install with Rubygems:

gem install rubygems-keychain --pre

Now you probably want to import your existing api keys:

gem keychain import

When you're ready, securely remove the old credentials file:

rm -P ~/.gem/credentials

You can always find your API key again on your profile.


This gem overrides the default api key get and set methods in Rubygems so should work transparently with all commands. For example:

$ gem owner mailcatcher
Enter your credentials.
Don't have an account yet? Create one at
   Email:   [email protected]
Password:   ********

Signed in.
Owners for gem: mailcatcher
- [email protected]

$ stat ~/.gem/credentials
stat: /Users/sj26/.gem/credentials: stat: No such file or directory


You can import existing api keys from your credentials file using:

$ gem keychain import
Importing api keys from /Users/sj26/.gem/credentials:
 - rubygems (
 - foo

Optionally specify the path to a credentials file:

$ gem keychain import ~/Dropbox/.gem/credentials
Importing api keys from /Users/sj26/Dropbox/.gem/credentials:
 - ...


List the api keys stored in the Keychain by name/host:

$ gem keychain list
- rubygems (
- foo

This will never output the actual keys, just their names.


Add new api keys using gem keychain add:

$ gem keychain add
Name/host:  foo
API Key:  
INFO:  Successfully added key for 'foo'

You can specify the name and optionally the key on the command line if you like, but that is less secure:

$ gem keychain add foo abc123
INFO:  Successfully added key for 'foo'

To add an api key for use rubygems as the name.


Remove api keys using gem keychain rm:

$ gem keychain rm
Which api key do you want to remove?
 1. rubygems (
 2. foo
> 2
Are you sure you want to remove the api key 'foo'? [yN]  y
INFO:  Successfully removed api key 'foo'

You can specify the api key name on the command line, and force removal if you wish:

$ gem keychain rm --force foo
INFO:  Successfully removed api key 'foo'

Coming Soon

  • Certificate management for signing gems

Known Issues


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Test rubygems plugin integration with bundle exec gem ... which will load the plugin from the current directory.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

The helper tool is written in Swift and needs to be code signed correctly for iCloud Keychain to work. At the moment this is only possible by the primary author.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.