
Simple ruby script that downloads the latest rubytapas episodes.


Rubytapas downloader

This is a small script for download all the awesome rubytapas episodes.

For those of you who doesn't know Ruby Tapas, it is a series of short screencasts about ruby by Avdi Grimm.

You have to be subscribed in order to download the episodes. It's 9$/month, but it's worth the money.

You need to have installed ruby >= 1.9, httparty and nokogiri gems and the curl command.

The script will default to download the files into the current directory. You may also pass a directory as an option to the script. For example:

$> ruby rubytapas_downloader.rb ~/Download/RubyTapas

The script will load your credentials via the environment variables RTAPAS_USERNAME and RTAPAS_PASSWORD. You may also set your email and password in the constants on the top of the script before you run it.

You may also load this file via a console:

$> irb -I. -r rubytapas_downloader.rb


This blog post may help you to understand how it works: Downloader. How to Download Files From Https With Authentication