
Web scraper designed to fetch retail prices from an online luxury store.


Ruby Capstone Project: Build a Scraper

The scraper is developed in Ruby and uses the Nokogiri gem to collect men's designer sneakers, details, and/or season information, and prices from my favorite online retail platform - Farfetch

Built With

  • Ruby

Getting Started

  • Open your terminal - Windows: Win + R, then type cmd | Mac: Command + space, then type Terminal
  • Navigate to a directory of your choosing using the cd command
  • Run this command in your OS terminal: git clone to get a copy of the project.
  • Navigate to the project's directory using the cd command.
  • Execute ./bin/search.rb or cd bin from the project's root folder and ruby search.rb


  • Internet connection
  • Ruby installed in your OS
  • The Nokogiri ruby gem installed in your OS. To install, simply type gem install nokogiri in the terminal or bundle install from the project directory.
  • The HTTParty ruby library installed in your OS. To install this gem type bundle install in the terminal from the project directory.


  • Open the terminal on the project root folder
  • Execute rspec --format doc to run all the test cases OR
  • Run bundle install to install the required gems
  • Execute bundle exec rspec to run all the test cases

👤 Author

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Show your support

Kindly give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


Hat tip to the following:

  • Farfetch for catalog of products
  • Nokogiri documentation for guidelines on installation
  • documentation for guidelines on gems installation
  • Medium for additional think pieces

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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