
Encrypt attributes of any Ruby object or ActiveRecord model.

MIT License


Secure Attribute

Secure Attribute is a ruby gem to encrypt attributes of any Ruby object or ActiveRecord model. It is made to protect sensitive data, such as API secrets, OAuth tokens or even FTP passwords.

While there are already a few encryption gems out there, Secure Attribute has no dependencies and no code constraints.


Add gem "secure_attribute" to your Gemfile and run bundle install.

Then, generate an encryption key:


The key is encoded in base 64 to make it more convenient to store it in an environment variable. Make sure you do not lose your encryption key or you won't be able to decrypt any data.


For the examples bellow we assume the key is stored in the environment variable SECURE_ATTRIBUTE_KEY.

There are 2 ways to use it:

  • You can call the helper method attr_secure which creates the relevant attribute accessors if missing, or surrounds them with the encryption mechanism.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include SecureAttribute
  attr_secure :oauth_secret, algorithm: "AES-256-CBC", key: Base64.decode64(ENV["SECURE_ATTRIBUTE_KEY"])

user = "test")
user.attributes[:oauth_secret] # => "$AES-256-CBC$c+qXJa1f3dd8y26rjAvGNQ==$fhMvLkC7g+gaw5pxqpkFlQ=="
user.oauth_secret # => "test"
  • If your prefer to control manually the encryption stuff, or if the surrounding attribute accessors mess up with your code, you can do it like this:
class User
  def oauth_secret=(value)
    @oauth_secret = value ? SecureAttribute.encipher("AES-256-CBC", value, ENV["SECURE_ATTRIBUTE_KEY"]) : nil

  def oauth_secret
    SecureAttribute.decipher(@oauth_secret, ENV["SECURE_ATTRIBUTE_KEY"]) if @oauth_secret

Storage format

In addition to the data, Secure Attribute stores the encryption algorithm and the initialisation vector into a format inspired by Bcrypt:


This has 2 benefits:

  • You don't need an extra column in your database to store the initialisation vector.
  • It gives you more flexibility in the future to switch to another encryption algorithm.

MIT License

Made by Base Secrète.

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