
A Slack bot that helps you to deploy your apps


Slack Deploy Bot

A Slack bot that helps you to deploy your apps.

What it can do?

For help just type help:

Show changelog for your branch against master branch:

changelog my-awesome-app#feature

Deploy your apps branches to different environments:

deploy my-awesome-app # deploy my-awesome-app default branch to default environment

deploy my-awesome-app to prod # deploy my-awesome-app default branch to prod environment

deploy my-awesome-app#my-feature to staging # deploy my-awesome-app my-feature branch to prod environment

in case of deploy fail you'll see the error message:


How to setup

  1. Clone the repo
  2. cp ./config/config.sample.rb ./config/config.rb
  3. Edit ./config/config.rb to add configuration for your app
  4. bundle install --without development test
  5. You can try to launch bot with SLACK_API_TOKEN=xxx bundle exec ruby run.rb and test it
  6. Launch bot as a daemon (you can use eye, upstart, systemd, etc.)

I'd recommend to use eye gem for launching bot. But it's up to you.

Launching with eye

Please follow instruction on for installing eye

Put in the root .slack-api-token file which contains api token

Create config/slack-deploy-bot.eye config using config/slack-deploy-bot.eye.sample as sample

For first time or if slack-deploy-bot.eye config was changed than run:

eye load config/slack-deploy-bot.eye

Start bot:

eye start deploybot

Restart bot with command:

eye r deploybot

Info about bot process:

eye i deploybot


Copy config/config.sample.rb to config/config.rb

Example of config.rb:

DeployBot.setup do |config|
  config.apps = {
    :'my-awesome-app' => {
      envs: [:staging, :prod],
      path: '~/projects/my-awesome-app',
      default_branch: :master, # default branch to deploy, is not required
      default_env: :prod, # default env to deploy, is not required
      deploy_cmd: ->(env, branch) { "./ #{env} #{branch}" } # deploy with Ansible for example
    :'my-second-awesome-app': {
      envs: [:dev, :prod],
      path: '~/projects/my-second-awesome-app',
      deploy_cmd: ->(env, branch) { "BRANCH_NAME=#{branch} bundle exec cap #{env} deploy" } # deploy with Capistrano

Required options for each app: envs, path, deploy_cmd

Development & Testing

Start bot with command:

SLACK_API_TOKEN=xxx foreman start

Start console with:

bundle exec ./console

Run specs with:

bundle exec rake

Before starting specs please run:

git submodule update --init

for fetching spec/support/dummy_app


  1. Configuration (apps, envs, default branch, deploy command)
  2. Notifications to channel about starting/ending/failing deploy events
  3. Specs